Listen to chemists on the EYCN YouTube Channel

Do you want to know the favourite chemical reaction of this year’s Chemistry Nobel Laureate? Or are you interested to hear about the EuChemS President’s view on women in science? If so, you absolutely need to watch the interviews conducted with a variety of researchers during the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (7ECC) in Liverpool last August. Keynote speakers, awardees, renowned researchers, Nobel Prize winners, early stage researchers and finalists of the European Young Chemist Award (EYCA) took part in the new web series “EYCN Interviews”. The interviewees include well-known scientists, such as Pilar Goya (EuChemS President), David Cole-Hamilton (EuChemS Vice-President), Peter Dorhout (ACS President), Dame Carol Robinson (RSC President) and Nobel Prize winners Ben Feringa and Frances Arnold, among others.
The questions capture a variety of topics from discussing important tasks, such as establishing equal opportunities for women in science, to public outreach to build a positive attitude towards chemistry in the community. Additionally, our interviewees shared several stories and entertaining moments with us. Highlights include Frances Arnold’s inspiring opinion on the future of science and the position of women therein, Ben Feringa discussing better outreach to younger generations and Peter Stang’s and Peter Dorhout’s advice for early career researchers. It is remarkable that no matter how many scientists we talked to, each favourite chemical reaction was unique without any repetition of a previously named one – highlighting the incredible range of chemical reactions that affect us in everyday life.

The interviews were prepared and conducted by the EYCN Science Team with the support of EuChemS and the EYCN Board. The EYCN is the division of younger chemists of EuChemS and aims to support early career chemists by promoting science and networking opportunities as well as actions to increase the interest of the public into chemistry. All of interviewees shared a general thought: ‘If you choose science, be passionate about it!’ The EYCN aims to share this passion with the chemical community and public.
The interviews can be found on the EYCN YouTube channel and further videos will be published over the coming months. Subscribe to the EYCN channel to make sure you don’t miss any!
Antonio Manuel Rodríguez García and EYCN Science Team
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