2021 EuChemS General Assembly
The 2021 EuChemS General Assembly meeting took place on Thursday, 21 October 2021.
Due to the current pandemic situation, the EuChemS General Assembly meeting was held online. Voting and elections also proceeded virtually. The meeting was chaired by Floris Rutjes, EuChemS President, who presented the highlights of the European Chemical Society in the last twelve months. His presentation included, amongst others, updates on what is new at EuChemS, policy work, projects, communications, etc. Insights on upcoming activities and initiatives were also given. Eckart Rühl, EuChemS Treasurer, subsequently updated the attendees on financial matters. Presentations are available for download below.
During the 2021 General Assembly meeting, three members of the EuChemS Executive Board were elected. We congratulate Cristiana Radulescu and Slavica Ražić, who will start their first mandate as elected members on 1 January 2022, together with Nicola Armaroli, who was re-elected for a second term.
EuChemS warmly thanks all representatives who participated in the 2021 General Assembly. This meeting was carefully organised by the EuChemS Secretariat lead by Nineta Hrastelj, Secretary General, and was made a success thanks to the excellent collaboration of the representatives from the EuChemS Member Societies and Supporting Members before and during the meeting.
Presentations GA 2021
- EuChemS President Presentation – Floris Rutjes
- Finances – Eckart Rühl
2021 EuChemS Professional Networks meeting

The 2021 annual meeting of the EuChemS Professional Networks (PNs) was held online on Friday, 22 October 2021.
The PNs meeting, chaired by Floris Rutjes, EuChemS President, was attended by over 40 participants, with all Divisions, Working Parties, and EYCN represented by at least one member. This meeting was open to the PNs Chairs, Vice-Chairs, Secretaries, Treasurers, and Web editors.
Various topics were covered during this meeting, such as presenting follow-up actions from last year’s meeting, recent EuChemS highlights, and strategic future orientations.
EuChemS warmly thanks all attendees who participated in the 2021 annual PNs meeting, prepared by the EuChemS Secretariat, and greatly appreciates the active participation and collaboration of all PNs during the meeting and throughout the year.