EuChemS President Angela Agostiano appointed Professor Emeritus
Angela Agostiano, President of EuChems, has been honored with the title of Professor Emeritus by the University of Bari in recognition of her outstanding contributions to teaching, research, and institutional leadership in the field of chemistry.
EuChemS at the EYCN Delegate Assembly 2025
The EYCN Delegate Assembly 2025, held in Prague from 20–22 March brought together young chemists from across Europe to discuss leadership, collaboration, and the future of chemistry.
EuChemS endorses ALLEA statement on threats to academic freedom and international research collaboration
EuChemS has officially endorsed the recent statement by ALLEA addressing escalating threats to academic freedom and international research collaboration in the United States. This endorsement aligns EuChemS with numerous European research organisations expressing concern over recent developments that jeopardise the integrity of scientific inquiry and global cooperation.
EuChemS attends the 7th Zero Pollution Stakeholder Conference
EuChemS attended the 7th Zero Pollution Stakeholder Conference on 3 March 2025, where the European Commission presented the second Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook 2025 report.
Scientific Leadership through Collaboration or Fair Competition
EuChemS releases 2024 Yearbook
Nineta Hrastelj invited to GWB2025 Romania to discuss fair competition in science
EuChemS hosts GWB2025 webinar
The Rare Earth Elements: These high tech enablers
EuChemS invited to sign IUPAC Proclamation on funding for basic chemical research
The European Chemical Society, along with national chemical societies worldwide, has issued a call to governments to significantly increase funding for basic chemical research.