EuChemS was invited by the European Commission to join the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform.
The Commission, in cooperation with the Committee of the Regions, set up this Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform to achieve the zero pollution ambition.
The Platform will effectively mainstream the zero pollution agenda. It will bring together stakeholders and experts of different policy areas, such as health, agriculture, research and innovation, transport, digitalisation and the environment. It will create co-ownership, promote collaboration, and foster integrated solutions to maximise synergies with decarbonisation and post-COVID 19 recovery efforts.
EuChemS will approach the challenges from the angle of chemical sciences. It will be represented by Ioannis Katsogiannis and Nineta Hrastelj.
The 6th meeting was held in Brussels, at the European Committee of the Region. It was co-chaired by Member of the European Committee of the Regions Markku Markkula, and Deputy Director-General of DG Environment Patrick Child.
Key topics were related to the 8th Environment Action Programme, the local implementation of Wero Pollution policies, and overall feedback on the platform as the end of the legislative term approaches.
EuChemS Science Communication and Policy officer Marton Kottmayer commented on the importance of involving Learned Societies – such as EuChemS and its Members – in scientific policymaking.
The European Commission’s Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform (ZPSP) organised the Workshop “Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook” on 24-25 January. Ioannis Katsoyiannis, former EuChemS Executive Board Member, Immediate Past Chair of the EuChemS Division of Chemistry and the Environment and President of the Association of Greek Chemists and Science Communication and Policy Officer Marton Kottmayer was present at the meeting on behalf of EuChemS, where speakers from the European Commission Directorate General for Environment, Committee of the Regions, Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the European Environment Agency (EEA) presented, and engaged with the audience.

The 5th meeting was held in Brussels, at the Berlaymont building of the European Commission. It was chaired by Patrick Child, Deputy Director General of DG Environment, and Marieke Schouten, Member of the Committee of the Regions.
Key topics were
- The role of the European Year of Skills in the Zero Pollution Ambition
- Zero Pollution and New European Bauhaus.
- Research and Innovation priorities and gaps in the Horizon programme related to Zero Pollution
On behalf of EuChemS, Secretary General Nineta Hrastelj, and Science Communication and Policy Officer Marton Kottmayer was present. EuChemS contributed to the meeting by sharing best practises on green skills and interdisciplinarity, and our online course “Good Chemistry” was listed amongst the numerous good examples
You can access the recording of the meeting here.
The 4th meeting was held in Brussels, at the European Committee of the Regions. It was co-chaired by by Marieke Schouten from the European Committee of the Regions, and Veronica Manfredi from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment. On behalf of EuChemS, Science Communication and Policy Officer Marton Kottmayer was present.
Key topics were
- Facilitating Zero Pollution choices and encouraging zero pollution pledges (Flagship 4)
- Digital solutions and projects for Zero Pollution
Read our full debrief in EuChemS Magazine here
You can access the recording of the meeting here
The main topic of the conference was the 2022 Zero Pollution Monitoring and Outlook report, which consists of the results and future trajectories of the targets outlined in the EU’s Zero Pollution Ambition. The report uses an integrated approach to monitor a wide range of pollution metrics and their effects on health, economy and biodiversity.
Executive Board member Ioannis Katsogiannis contributed to this session. After introducing EuChems to fellow stakeholders, he highlighted three key areas from a chemical standpoint. Firstly, he emphasized the high rate of European groundwater and surface water bodies which failed to achieve good chemical status. Secondly, he highlighted how waste reduction may cause other pollution-related issues due to waste burning, and lastly, he pointed out how the energy crisis may lead people to rely on hazardous heating materials, which is an issue that should be considered from a zero pollution standpoint.

The meeting was co-chaired by co-chaired by Veronica Manfredi, Director of DG Environment, Markku Markkula, Member of the Committee of the Regions and Patrick Child, Deputy Director-General of DG Environment
Key topics:
- Urban and regional zero pollution action
- Promoting Zero Pollution Performance Scoreboard
- Phasing out pollution from pharmaceuticals in cities and regions
Ioannis Katsoyiannis contributed on behalf of EuChemS, with regards to the topic of regulation of pharmaceuticals in waters and wastewaters of Europe. He highlighted the importance of the metabolites of the organic pollutants existing in waters. In addition, he emphasized the availability of EuChemS, and the willingness of our network of European chemists to contribute to the discussion about the topic.
The meeting was co-chaired by Patrick Child, Deputy Director General of DG Environment of the European Commission and Marieke Schouten, Member of the European Committee of the Regions
Key topics:
- Reducing health inequalities through zero pollution
- Towards zero pollution from production and consumption
- Fostering research and innovation for zero pollution
- Flagship 7 – Digital solutions for Zero Pollution (flagship 7)