Mission statement
Being an active, trusted, and sustainable voice of EuChemS on any matters relating to the large and interdisciplinary field of fundamental and applied organometallic chemistry, providing and coordinating activities such as congresses, schools and workshops of interest for students, researchers and others interested in or actively employing organometallic chemistry.
Division History
Following the founding of the Federation of European Chemical Societies in 1970, it was decided to establish a Working Party on Organometallic Chemistry at the General Assembly in 1972.
The Polish Chemical Society organized the inaugural meeting, which was held in April 1974 in Nieborów in Poland. This first group represented 11 Societies from 10 countries (names of delegates in parentheses): Austria (K. Schlögl), Belgium (M. Gielen), Czechoslovakia (V. Chvalovský), Federal Republic of Germany (H. Lehmkuhl), France (J. Tirouflet and J. Deschamps), Ireland (D. A. Brown), Italy (G. Costa), Poland (S. Pasynkiewicz), Sweden (M. Nilsson), Switzerland (L. Venanzi). Two additional Societies were represented by observers: The Netherlands (J. G. Noltes) and United Kingdom (E. Abel, K. Wade).
Professor Stanislav Pasynkiewicz was elected as the Chaiman and he organized the 1st European Conference on Organometallic Chemistry was held in September 1976 in Jabłonna near Warsaw, Poland.

Professor Pasynkiewicz passed away on 15 November 2021. Read the obituary in the News section.

The Working Party has published six editions of the booklet “Organometallic Research Centres in Europe”. The printing of the first four editions was financed by the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. The last edition was published in 1995.

Notes based on the recollections and records of Prof. Antoni Pietrzykowski (second secretary of the Working Party) and Prof. Jan Čermák (former president of the Division).
Former Chairs
Stanislav Pasynkiewicz |
April 1974 – September 2001 (since 2001 Honorary Chairman) |
Peter Kündig |
September 2001 – September 2007 |
Helena Grennberg |
September 2007 – September 2014 |
Jan Čermák |
September 2014 – November 2020 |
Martin Albrecht | December 2020 – present |