Physical chemistry is quantitative chemistry.
It is active at the overlap of physics, biology, medicine and chemistry.
It is one of the traditional sub-disciplines of chemistry and is concerned with the
application of the
concepts and theories of physics to the
analysis of the chemical properties and the
reactive behaviour of matter.
The EuChemS Division of Physical Chemistry
coordinates European activities in the field of Physical Chemistry regarding:
- Scientific Exchange: conferences and workshops
- Research: Interdisciplinary work
- Education
Mission of the Division of Physical Chemistry:
- Coordination, initiation of vivid communication, and collaboration between the Divisions of Physical Chemistry of the respective European Chemical Societies.
- Targeting cutting edge R&D-topics that can be best tackled by Physical Chemistry as e.g. energy conversion and storage, material resource saving chemical processes and manufacturing strategies.
- Coordinating transdisciplinary research discussion where Physical Chemistry can play a pivotal role.
- Quality assurance support of physical chemical education and teaching at European universities.
- Scientific exchange particularly by conferences and workshops at budget-priced venues (e.g. the biannual EuChemS Physical Chemistry Conferences – ECPC).
- Special attention to promotion of the careers of young scientists.
- Bring academia, industry and decision-makers together.
Division Chair, Co-Chair, Treasurer
Steering Committee
(Term: 2024-2026)
Division Chair

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Marletta
University of Catania, Department of Chemical Sciences, Viale Andrea Doria 6, I-95125 Catania, Italy
Telephone: +39 095 7385130

Ass. Prof. Dr. Dimitrios A. Giannakoudakis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Telephone: +30 6940509535

Prof. Dr. Gyözö G. Láng
Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Physical Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary
Telephone: +36 1 372 2500 (ext. 1107)
Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery, University of Oldenburg, D; katharina.al.shamery[at]uni-oldenburg.de
Dr. Sylvie Choua, Université de Strasbourg, F; sylvie.choua[at]unistra.fr
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dietzek, University of Jena, D; benjamin.dietzek[at]uni-jena.de
Prof. Dr. Günter Grampp, Graz University of Technology, A; grampp[at]tugraz.at
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kautek, University of Vienna, A; wolfgang.kautek[at]univie.ac.at
Prof. Dr. Gyözö G. Láng, Eötvös Loránd University, HU; langgyg[at]ceasar.elte.hu
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Marletta, University of Catania, I; gmarletta[at]unict.it
Prof. Dr. Eckart Rühl, Freie Universität Berlin, D; ruehl[at]chemie.fu-berlin.de
Prof. Dr. Lindholm-Sethson, University of Umea, S; britta.lindholm-sethson[at]umu.se
Prof. Dr. Dwayne Heard, University of Leeds, GB; D.E.Heard[at]leeds.ac.uk
Prof. Dr. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel, CH; stefan.willitsch[at]unibas.ch
Country | First name | Last name | EuCheMS Member Society | |
A | Wolfgang | Kautek | wolfgang.kautek[at]univie.ac.at | Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH) |
CY | Epameinondas | Leontidis | psleon[at]ucy.ac.cy | Pancyprian Union of Chemists |
CZ | NN | Ceská spolecnost Chemická | ||
F | Sylvie | Choua | sylvie.choua[at]unistra.fr | Société Chimique de France |
D | Katharina | Al-Shamery | katharina.al.shamery[at]uni-oldenburg.de | Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) |
D | Eckart | Rühl | ruehl[at]zedat.fu-berlin.de | Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie (DBG) |
H | Gyözö | Lang | langgyg[at]chem.elte.hu | Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete |
IL | Joshua | Jortner | jortner[at]post.tau.ac.il | Israel Chemical Society (ICS) |
BG | NN | Bulgarian Chemical Society | ||
I | Giovanni | Marletta | gmarletta[at]unict.it | Societa Chimica Italiana |
NL | Bert | Weckhuisen | B.M.Weckhuysen[at]uu.nl | Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV) |
PL | Krzysztof | Winkler | winkler[at]uwb.edu.pl | Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne |
P | Amando J.L. | Pombeiro | pombeiro[at]ist.utl.pt | Portuguese Electrochemical Society |
P | Manuel | Piedade | mepiedade[at]fc.ul.pt | Sociedade Portuguesa de Química |
RSB | Vera | Dondur | edondur[at]ffh.bg.ac.rs | Serbian Chemical Society |
SK | Dusan | Velic | velic[at]ilc.sk | Slovenská chemická spolocnost |
SLO | Vojko | Vlachy | vojko.vlachy[at]fkkt.uni-lj.si | Slovensko Kemijsko Društvo |
E | Inaki | Tunón | Ignacio.Tunon[at]uv.es | Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica |
E | Laura | Andreau | tandreu[at]ub.edu | Societat Catalana de Quimica |
S | Britta | Lindholm-Sethson | britta.sethson[at]chem.umu.se | Svenska Kemistamfundet |
CH | Stefan | Willitsch | stefan.willitsch[at]unibas.ch | Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft (SCG) |
TR | Sefik | Suzer | suzer[at]fen.bilkent.edu.tr | Türkiye Kimya Dernegi |
GB | Dwayne | Heard | D.E.Heard[at]leeds.ac.uk | Royal Society of Chemistry (Faraday Division) |
GR | Dimitrios | Giannakoudakis | dagchem[at]gmail.com | Greek Chemical Society |
N | Signe | Kjelstrup | signe.kjelstrup[at]ntnu.no | Norvegian Chemical Society |