EuChemS and GDCh provides feedback to Commission on SSbD

Sep 6, 2024

EuChemS, jointly with the German Chemical Society (GDCh) and the German Universities Chemistry Department Consortium (KFC), has contributed to the development of the Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) initiative by providing feedback on the SSbD’s pilot to the European Commission.

While welcoming the SSbD initiative, in their feedback, EuChemS, GDCh and KFC emphasized the importance of chemical education and basic research in connection to SSbD, advised against blanket bans on chemicals used in chemical education, and called for a balanced approach. Furthermore, they highlighted the vast resources of learned chemical societies, and recommended policymakers to rely on this network when strengthening Europe’s knowledge based society.

EuChemS and GDCh released a joint press release, in which you can learn more about their feedback. You can access it here.