EuChemS Historical Landmark Plaque inaugurated in Altafulla

Sep 17, 2024

The Hospital of Pilgrims in the charming historical town of Altafulla, Catalonia, Spain was home of Antoni de Martí i Franqués, and hosted his remarkable library, as well as his pioneering experiments on atmospheric air. To commemorate these achievements linked to this location, the Hospital of Pilgrims received the 2022 EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award.

On 14 September, EuChemS Vice President Floris Rutjes, Secretary General Nineta Hrastelj, and Science Communication and Policy Officer Marton Kottmayer travelled to Altafulla to inaugurate the EuChemS Historical Landmark Plaque and attend the excellent ceremony organised by the Catalan Society of Chemistry (SCQ) and the town of Altafulla.

The event was opened by the town’s Co-Mayor, Alba Montadas. From EuChemS’ side, Floris Rutjes, and chair of the EuChemS Historical Landmark Award Committee Brigitte Van Tiggelen held presentations on the EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award. SCQ President Gregori Ujaque and Consol Blanch, member of the Historical Landmarks commission of the SCQ highlighted the historical importance of Altafulla, and the relevance of this European awards for the region. Àngel Messeguer, the General Secretary of the Institute of Catalan Studies addressed the audience as well. Last but not least, a the scientific achievements of Antoni de Martí i Franqués were presented by Pere Grapí from SCQ.

The ceremony was crowned by a dramatic retelling of the life of Martí i Franqués accompanied by music, at a scenic location of Altafulla castle, overlooking the Mediterranean sea. Later on the afternoon, the town’s traditional festivities commenced – and those who attended could now learn about the European significance of the Hospital of Pilgrims.