EuChemS met with The Chemistry Society of the Republic of Moldova
On 26 January, EuChemS President Floris Rutjes and EuChemS Secretary General Nineta Hrastelj held an online meeting with the representatives of The Chemistry Society of the Republic of Moldova (SChRM). SChRM’s president, Gheorghe Duca was present at the meeting....
EuChemS Magazine Launched
With the beginning of 2023, we established the brand new Serial Publication of the European Chemical Society, EuChemS Magazine, succeeding Chemistry in Europe and Brussels News Updates. You can read EuChemS Magazine here! The new EuChemS Magazine is a fresh, modern...
EuChemS at Zero Pollution Stakeholder Conference
The Zero Pollution Stakeholder Conference was held in Brussels at the European Commission’s Berlyamont Building on 14 December. Representatives of the European Chemical Society, Executive Board member Ioannis Katsogiannis and Secretary General Nineta Hrastelj were...
Women scientists at the forefront of global conflicts
EuChemS’s 2023 GWB event focused on the historical context of what roles women played in research areas relevant to conflict and crisis, such as nuclear and radiochemistry. The event also examined contemporary efforts from woman researchers in fighting against chemical warfare, amongst other topics.