EuChemS publishes 2018 Year Book

EuChemS publishes 2018 Year Book

EuChemS has published the 2018 Year Book, an annual report which looks back on the activities and achievements carried out by the European Chemical Society and its community over the year. The Year Book includes an editorial by EuChemS President Pilar Goya, and...
When international collaboration creates Chemistry

When international collaboration creates Chemistry

With no clear end in sight in Brexit negotiations, the impact on scientific collaboration, funding, and mobility between the UK and the rest of the EU remains largely unclear. Moreover, trialogue negotiations between the European Council, European Parliament, and the...
The Periodic Table and us

The Periodic Table and us

The EuChemS Periodic Table depicting element scarcity was unveiled and discussed at a EuChemS event in the European Parliament on Tuesday 22nd January 2019. The event, chaired by MEPs Catherine Stihler and Clare Moody, presented an encompassing overview of what...