Working Party on Chemistry and Energy – New Chair

Working Party on Chemistry and Energy – New Chair

Prof. Aline Auroux is the new Chair of the Working Party on Chemistry and Energy. Aline Auroux is currently Emeritus CNRS research Director at the Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON, UMR 5256 CNRS-UCBLyon1), an academic...
EFMC – New President

EFMC – New President

Dr. Yves P. Auberson is the new President of the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC), a EuChemS Supporting Member. Dr. Yves P. Auberson is Executive Director in Global Discovery Chemistry at the Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research in Basel,...
BNU December is Now Online

BNU December is Now Online

The latest issue of Brussels News Updates is now online. Some of this month’s highlights are: • New outcomes of OSPP • EuChemS Solar-Driven Chemistry at COP23 • European Year of Cultural Heritage: EuChemS Historical Landmarks • Erasmus+ 2016 Report...
EuChemS President Editorial – Chemistry and Brexit

EuChemS President Editorial – Chemistry and Brexit

EuChemS President, Professor David Cole-Hamilton, has recently published an editorial for the GDCh publication Chemie in Unserer Zeit, entitled Chemistry and Brexit. In his editorial Prof. Cole-Hamilton ennumarates the many challenges prompted by the process of the UK...