BNU August is Now Online

BNU August is Now Online

The latest issue of Brussels News Updates is now online. Some of this month’s highlights are: • EuChemS contributions to Glyphosate and Acrylamide files • ERC 2018 Workplan • Belém Statement • Aluminium in Toys Consultation...
Serbian Chemical Society – New President

Serbian Chemical Society – New President

Prof. Dr Vesna Mišković-Stanković is the new President of the Serbian Chemical Society – Српско хемијско друштво (СХД). Prof. Mišković-Stanković is a professor at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Serbia, and Visiting professor at...
ABCChem – Register Now!

ABCChem – Register Now!

EuChemS would like to invite you to the ABCChem Conference, taking place 23 – 26 January 2018 in Cancún, México. This event will offer an opportunity for top scientists from around the Atlantic Basin region to share ideas and collaborate on current...
Chemistry in Europe 2017-3 is Now Online

Chemistry in Europe 2017-3 is Now Online

The third 2017 issue of EuChemS newsletter Chemistry in Europe (CiE) is now online.This CiE issue covers, among other topics, the ongoing glyphosate debate, EuChemS recent position paper on the future of research and education after brexit, and EuChemS participation...
Glyphosate Workshop Conclusions

Glyphosate Workshop Conclusions

The conclusions of the workshop Glyphosate: Harmless Tool or Sneaky Poison? are now available online. Among other, the conclusions call for more research regarding maximum daily intake of glyphosate, to develop standard methots for reliable measurements, or to...