2021 DAC-EuChemS Lectures Awardees Webinar

2021 DAC-EuChemS Lectures Awardees Webinar

The EuChemS Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC) is organised the ‘2021 DAC-EuChemS Lectures Awardees’ webinar which was held on Thursday 16 September 2021, from 11:00 to 13:30 CEST. This webinar was chaired by Professor Slavica Ražić (Chair of DAC-EuChemS and...
Chemistry in Europe newsletter: new year, new look!

Chemistry in Europe newsletter: new year, new look!

Chemistry in Europe 2021 – 1 Have you read the most recent edition of Chemistry in Europe Newsletter? In February 2021, the first issue of our quarterly newsletter Chemistry in Europe (CiE) 2021-1 has been released. It includes an editorial from Floris Rutjes,...