TheEuChemS Division of Chemistry and the Environment (DCE) aims to promote and support the cooperation on chemistry and its scientific relation to all environmental aspects between the European chemical societies and their members. Activities of how to achieve this aim are:
- to represent EuChemS in matters concerning chemistry and the environment;
- to contribute to the advancement of environmental chemistry and chemistry and the environment in the countries of the national member societies of EuChemS;
- to promote and support the cooperation about chemistry and environmental issues between the national chemical societies in Europe and their members;
- to identify important areas in science, technology, and other human activities relevant to chemistry and the environment, and to stimulate actions in such fields;
- to address aspects of importance in or to chemistry and the environment, which need regulation, harmonization, standardization, or codification, and to make recommendations as appropriate;
- to promote and support the sound application of chemistry for assessing and solving environmental issues.
Short history of DCE
Delegates to the DCE are appointed by EuChemS member societies, which are normally national chemical societies and must have expertise in a field relevant to environmental chemistry.
Observers may be nominated by international organizations with documented activities in environmental chemistry as well as national chemical societies outside EuChemS.
Guests are invited by the DCE Steering Committee if their expertise is relevant to topics, discussed during the meetings.
Delegates, Observers, and Guests meet at the Annual Meeting which constitutes the supreme authority of DCE.
Official dissemination organ of DCE
The journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research serves as the official journal of the division of chemistry and the environment (more information under references section)

- The EuChemS DCE Annual Meeting 2015 was held on Saturday 19 September 2015 in Leipzig, Germany, preceding ICCE 2015.
- The EuChemS DCE Spring Meeting 2016 was held on Saturday 2 April 2016 in Oslo, Norway.
- The EuChemS DCE Annual Meeting 2016 occurred on Saturday 10 September 2016 in Seville, Spain, preceding the 6th ECC.
- The Spring meeting of EuChemS DCE was held on Saturday 25 February 2017, in Bordeaux, France
- The 2017 annual meeting took place in Oslo, on June 17, 2017.
- The spring meeting 2018 was held on March 03, in Thessaloniki, Greece.
- The summer meeting took place in Liverpool on August 25, 2018.

Traditional DCE photo, in front of the statue of Aristotle at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, on March 03, 2018.
- Between 2020 and 2022, due to COVID-19-associated restrictions, all meetings have been arranged on web-based digital platforms.
- The first meeting with physical presence after the pandemic was arranged in Venice on 24 September 2022.
- After the above-mentioned COVID-19-related delay of two years, the ICCE conference series was continued successfully in Venice (ICCE 2023, June 11-15, 2023) where also the Annual Meeting 2023 was organized (June 10th,2023).
- The Annual Meeting 2024 was arranged in hybrid mode (ZOOM) in Belgrade, Serbia (March 16th, 2024) at the Chemical Institute of Belgrade University with the main focus on planning the upcoming ICCE 2025 conference.

The Spring Meeting 2025 was arranged in hybrid mode (ZOOM) in Novi Sad, Serbia (February 21th, 2025) at the BioSense Institute at The Novi Sad University with the main focus on planning the upcoming ICCE 2025 conference in June 2025. A group of 6 delegates met in Novi Sad and were accompanied digitally in Novi Sad by 23 active delegates

Upcoming Conferences
ICCE 2025, Belgrade, Serbia: http://www.icce2025.com
The EuChemS Division on Chemistry and the Environment (DCE) is conducting a Europe-wide survey on university-based education in environmental chemistry (Bachelor-, Master – and PhD level). We, therefore invite all relevant member institutions and delegates to contribute and complete the questionnaire.
Survey on Environmental Chemistry in Higher Education: https://www.euchems.eu/dce-survey-on-ec-in-higher-education/
![]() | Prof. Dr. Roland Kallenborn, Chair of DCE Email: roland.kallenborn@nmbu.no |
![]() | Prof. Dr. Ivana Ivancev Tumbas, Treasurer Email: ivana.ivancev-tumbas@dh.uns.ac.rs |
![]() | Prof. Dr. Silvia Lacorte Bruguera, Vice-chair Email: silvia.lacorte@idaea.csic.es |
![]() | Mr. Willem de Lange, Secretary Email: w@lamilco.nl |
![]() | Prof. Dr. Ioannis A. Katsoyiannis, Past Chair of DCE Email: katsogia@chem.auth.gr |
Current EuCheMS-DCE Delegates
- German Chemical Society (GDCh), Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lammel, Max-Planck Institute für Chemie, Mainz, Germany
- Water Chemistry Society in the German Chemical Society (GDCh), Prof. Dr. Christian Zwiener, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Norwegian Chemical Society (NKS), Prof. Dr. Roland Kallenborn. Norwegian University for Life Sciences (NMBU), Ås, Norway
- Royal Netherlands Chemical Society (KNCV), Dr. Willem de Lange, LaMilCo, Gronningen, The Netherland
- Catalan Society of Chemistry (SCQ), Prof. Dr. Silvia LaCorte Bruguera, Barelona, Catalonia, Spain
- Association of Greek Chemists (EEC), Prof. Dr. Ioannis Katsoyiannis, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Serbian Chemical Society (SCS), Prof. Dr. Ivana Ivancev Tomba, Novi Sad University, Republic of Serbia
- Swiss Chemical Society (SCS), Dr. Thomas Bucheli, Agroscope, Switzerland
- French Chemical Society (SCF), Prof. Dr. Philippe Garrigues, University of Bordeaux, France
- Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Prof. Dr. Carlos Fernandez, Aberdeen´s Robert Gordon University, UK
- Romanian Chemical Society (SChR), Prof. Dr. Michaela Dina Stanescu, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
- Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), Prof. Dr. Boguslaw BuszeIski, Torun University, Poland
- Italian Chemical Society (SCI), Prof. Dr. Antonio Marcomini, University Ca´Foscari, Venezia, Italy
- Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV), Prof. Dr. Adrian Covaci, Univerity of Antwerp, Belgium
- Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society, Prof. Dr. Valery Samsonovich Petrosyan, Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
- Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ), Prof. Dr. Annabel Dias Barrocas Fernandes, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
- Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ), Prof. Dr. Maria Eduarda Pereira, Laboratory for Green Chemistry (LAQV), Portugal
- Slowenian Chemical Society (SCS), Prof. Dr. Ester Heath, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- Finnish Chemical Society (SKS), Prof. Dr. Jaana Koistinen, Helsinki University, Finland
- Croatian Chemical Society, Prof. Dr. Alexandar Sabljic, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia
- Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE), Prof. Dr. Krisztian Horvath, University of Pannonia, Hungary
- Austrian Chemical Society (GÖC), Ass. Prof. Dr. Teresa Steininger-Mairinger, BOKU Wien, Austria
- Swedish Chemical Society (KS), Prof. Dr. Patrik Andersson, Umeå University, Sweden
- Pancyprian Union of Chemists (PUC), Prof. Dr. Costas Michael, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
- Czech Chemical Society (CSVTS), Prof. Dr. Jan Triska, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic