“EuChemS ChemBioLife Young Investigator Award” 2024-2025 edition
We are proud to announce the winner of the EuChemS ChemBioLife Young Investigator Award of the EuChemS Division of Chemical Biology and Chemistry in Life Sciences and CHEMISTRY EUROPE.
This prize, funded by Chemistry Europe (Wiley-VCH GmbH) and the EuChemS-LS Division, is dedicated to outstanding young researchers working in the Chemical Biology area in Europe and starting their independent scientific activity.
Our award committee designated:
Jana Aupič
CNR-IOM Institute, Trieste, Italy
as the winner of the 2024-2025 edition!
Jana did her PhD at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana under the guidance of Roman Jerala, with a doctoral thesis on De novo design of coiled-coil protein switch.
Jana is at present at the CNR-IOM Institute in Trieste, Italy and she’s leading a project on application of classical and hybrid quantum-classical (QM/MM) molecular dynamics simulations to study the mechanism of RNA and protein/RNA containing systems and on the design of small molecules and RNA-based drugs (PNRR- CN3 RNA).
The prize will consist of a diploma, € 1,000 and the presentation by the Prize recipient of an invited lecture at the next edition of the European Chemical Biology Symposium (6-9 October 2025 in Paris) jointly organized by the EuChemS-LS Division, the ICBS and the EU-Openscreen. Jana will be a speaker in ECBS 2025 together with Nadja Simeth-Crerspi, the winner of 2023-2024 award.
“EuChemS ChemBioLife Young Investigator Award”
Chemistry Europe (Wiley-VCH GmbH) and the EuChemS Division of Chemistry in Life Sciences
seek to acknowledge and recognize outstanding young research group leaders that contribute
to the field of Chemical Biology.
The awardee will be elected by a Committee constituted by members of the Governing Board of the EuChemS-LS Division and delegates, which will assess the merits presented by the candidates, the impact of their contributions and the relevance of the chosen article. Self candidatures are allowed.
See the Regulations to know the admissibility and eligibility criteria, how to apply and further details.
Deadline: 27th November 2024
The prize will consist of a diploma, € 1,000 and the presentation by the Prize recipient of an invited lecture at the next edition of the European Chemical Biology Symposium (6-9 October 2025 in Paris) jointly organized by the EuChemS-LS Division, the ICBS and the EU-Openscreen
The 4th Young Investigator Workshop of the EuChemS Chemistry in Life Sciences Division was held on 12 and 13 July 2024 in Galway (Ireland). The YIW 2024 was an officially recognized satellite event of ECC (Dublin, 7-11 July 2024) and included young investigators chosen from researchers nominated by the EuChemS member National Chemical Societies. This YIW edition featured the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018, Frances H. Arnold, as plenary invited speaker!
We are delighted to share with you other pictures below!
WINNER of “ChemBioChemistry-Europe” of the EuChemS division of “CHEMISTRY IN LIFE SCIENCES” and CHEMISTRY EUROPE edition 2023/2024
We are proud to announce the winner of the 1st “ChemBioChemistry-Europe“ of the EuChemS division of “CHEMISTRY IN LIFE SCIENCES” and CHEMISTRY EUROPE.
This prize is dedicated to outstanding young researchers (≤ 7 years after PhD) working in the Chemical Biology area in Europe and starting their independent scientific activity as PIs.
Our selection committee designated:
Prof. Dr. Nadja A. Simeth-Crespi
Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
as the winner of the 2024 Edition!
The 2024 Award will be presented at the European Chemical Biology Symposium (ECBS), which will be held in Paris in 2025
Nadja A. Simeth studied chemistry at the University of Regensburg, Germany. She graduated in 2014 after working with Morten Grøtli at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, for her Master’s project, in which she investigated a light-controlled kinase inhibitor. Then, she pursued her doctorate studies with Burkhard König at the University of Regensburg, Germany, as a fellow of the German Scholarship Foundation and developed novel light-controllable tools for biological processes. Specifically, she worked on mimetics of Coenzyme Q and Sirtuin inhibitors as well as photoresponsive unnatural amino acids for genetic code expansion. In 2017, she was a visiting researcher with Maurizio Fagnoni at the PhotoGreenLab at the University of Pavia, Italy. Then, she returned to Regensburg and defended her thesis in summer 2018 with summa cum laude. Nadja afterwards joined the group of Ben L. Feringa at the University of Groningen as a postdoc supported by a Feodor-Lynen Fellowship of the Humboldt Foundation. Her research focus moved towards light-controlled supramolecular interactions between small molecules and DNA investigating secondary structure formation and self-assembly.
In autumn 2021, she was appointed as assistant professor at the University of Göttingen, Germany. Her lab’s research is located at the interface of chemistry investigating photochemical tools to probe biological processes. The team employs opto-bioorganic building blocks, light-responsive small molecules, and (photo)chemical labeling reactions to achieve highly-controlled chromo-selective transformation in a complex, biological environment.
4th Young Investigator Workshop (YIW 2024)
The 4th Young Investigator Workshop of the EuChemS Chemistry in Life Sciences Division was held on 12 and 13 July 2024 in Galway (Ireland). The YIW 2024 was an officially recognized satellite event of ECC (Dublin, 7-11 July 2024) and included young investigators chosen from researchers nominated by the EuChemS member National Chemical Societies. This YIW edition featured the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018, Frances H. Arnold, as plenary invited speaker!
Please visit our Conferences section for more information about the last edition!
“ChemBioChemistry-Europe” Prize of the EuChemS division of “CHEMISTRY IN LIFE SCIENCES” and CHEMISTRY EUROPE
The awardee was elected by a Committee constituted by members of the Governing Board of the EuChemS-LS Division and delegates, which assessed the merits presented by the candidates, the impact of their contributions and the relevance of the chosen article. The prize consisted of a diploma, € 1000, and the presentation by the Prize recipient of an invited lecture at the next edition of the European Chemical Biology Symposium (ECBS, Paris 2025) organized by the EuChemS-LS Division. See the past Regulations for more details.
SCF Chemical Biology Symposium 2024 – Chemistry meets Biology
The SCF Chemical Biology Symposium 2024 – Chemistry meets Biology was held on January 24-26, 2024 at Universitè of Paris-Saclay (Paris, France).
Please visit our Conferences section for more information about the last edition!
The 3rd Young Investigator Workshop (YIW2023) of the EuChemS Chemistry – Division of Chemistry in Life Sciences was held on May 12-13 2023 at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Biocenter 2, University of Helsinki (Finland).
Please visit our Conferences section to see the last edition!
After the great success of the YIW2023, we are delighted to share with you some pictures!
The ELRIG meeting on Therapeutic OLIGOs combined with the 8th European Chemical Biology Symposium (ECBS) was held on May 9-11 2023 in Gothenburg (Sweden).
Please visit our Conferences section to see the last edition!