2024 EuChemS Walter Thiel Award
The EuChemS Walter Thiel award will be handed out for the second time at the CompChem conference in Naples in September 2025,to Sandra Luber of the University of Zürich, Switzerland. At the same event the lifetime-achievement Award will be attributed to Manuel Yanez, for his steady and restless investment in the European Chemistry network.
2022 EuChemS Walter Thiel Award
The EuChemS Walter Thiel award: created in 2022 as a biennial award, it will be handed out for the first time at the CompChem conference in Thessaloniki in August 2023. We are delighted to announce the first awardee, Dr. Felix Plasser of Loughborough University (UK). The Award Ceremony took place on August 27, 2023, with the laureate presenting a plenary lecture (see www.euchems-compchem.eu/program).

The call for the 2024 award is closed. Further information: https://www.euchems.eu/awards/walter-thiel-award/
2023 The EuChemS DCTC Lifetime Achievement Award
At the Thessaloniki meeting 2023 the delegates decided to create a Lifetime Achievement Award, complementary to the EuChemS Walter Thiel Award, to honour an outstanding senior scientist. The first awardee, selected by the delegates, is Professor Hans Lischka from Vienna in Austria, for his fundamental work on multi-reference systems and high-level theoretical spectroscopy.
2020 European Chemistry Gold Medal
Michele Parrinello was awarded the first European Gold Medal in 2020, after being nominated by the Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry.