September 2024: the W Thiel awardee 2024 is Sandra Luber (Zürich) and the lifetime-achievement award will be reached out to Manuel Yanez (Madrid).
8 July 2024: meeting for the ECC9 in Dublin (HP Lüthi, Z Cournia, P Szalay, P Reinhardt, T v Mourik)
August 2023: over 300 participants gathered in Thessaloniki for the EuChemS CompChem Congress!
11 May 2023: more than 150 registered participants for the EuChemS CompChem congress invites us to move the venue to the nearby Olympic Museum ! Abstract submission for oral contributions is open until 1st of June.
13 March 2023: The first announcement of the Walter Thiel Award in 2022 led to 17 excellent nominations. We are delighted to announce the first awardee: Dr Felix Plasser of Loughborough University (UK). Read more …
February 2023: Stéphanie Linker (Switzerland) joined the division as observer. Michele Pavone (Naples) and Marco de Vivo (Genoa) represent the Italian Chemical Society in the DCTC. Espen Sagvolden reprents Norway’s Chemical Society.
27-31 August 2023 EuChemS CompChem 2023. European Conference on Computational and Theoretical Chemistry. Tessaloniki (Greece).
Photos from the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress, 26-30 August 2022

Plenary speech by European Chemistry Gold Medal awardee Michele Parrinello at the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Lisbon, 26 August 2022

Zoe Cournia (DCTC delegate), Péter Szalay (DCTC Chair), Nineta Hrastelj (EuChemS Secretary-General), Floris Rutjes (EuChemS President), Tanja van Mourik (DCTC Secretary) and Hans-Peter Lüthi (DCTC Treasurer)

Zoe Cournia (DCTC delegate), Péter Szalay (DCTC Chair), Angela Wilson (ACS President), Hans Peter Lüthi (DCTC Treasurer) and Peter Reinhardt (DCTC delegate)
31 May 2022: The call for nominations of the inaugural EuChemS Walter Thiel Award in Computational and Theoretical Chemistry closed
18-19 November 2021: e–EuCo–CTC 2021 (Online conference of the EuChemS Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry) was held (
October 2021: Antti Poso joined the Division representing the Finnish Chemical Society
September 2020: Mercè Deumal Sole joined the Division representing the Catalan Chemical Society
January 2020: Casper Steinmann and Iveliva Georgieva joined the Division representing the Danish Chemical Society and the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria, respectively
March 2019: Katarina Nikolic and Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu joined the Division representing the Serbian Chemical Society and the Romanian Chemical Society, respectively
January 2019: Matthias Bickelhaupt joined the Division representing the Royal Dutch Chemical Society (Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging)
29 August 2018: Workshop on Methods of Computational Chemistry: challenges and new developments, during ECC7, Liverpool (UK).
August 2018: Peter Reinhardt joined the Division representing Societé Chimique de France (SCF).
July 2018: Michal Otyepka joined the Division representing the Czech Chemical Society.
4-7 Sept 2017: 11th European Conference on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry in Barcelona (Spain).
March 2017: Stefan Kast joined the Division representing the German Chemical Society. He replaces Frank Oeillien, who is retiring after 7 years on the Division.
Feb 2017: Zoe Cournia joined the Division representing the Greek Chemists Association.
1 Nov 2016: Following an online election, the delegates voted Péter Szalay to be Chair and Tanja van Mourik to be Secretary. Their term starts 1 January 2017.
In 2016 the name of the division changed from Division of Computational Chemistry to Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
Division meetings
Monday 29 August 2022. The meeting was held during ECC7 in Lisbon (Portugal). 7 delegates attended in person and 9 via Zoom.
Friday 17 December 2021. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the meeting was held via Zoom. The meeting was attended by 22 delegates.
Friday 9 October 2020. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the meeting was held via Zoom. The meeting was attended by 23 delegates.
Tuesday 3 September 2019. The meeting was held during EUCO-CTC2019 in Perugia (Italy). The meeting was attended by 13 delegates.
28 August 2018.The meeting was held during ECC7 in Liverpool (UK), the day before our Workshop on Methods of Computational Chemistry: challenges and new developments. The meeting was attended by 10 members (plus one via skype).
5 September 2017. The meeting was held during EUCO-TCC 2017 in Barcelona. The meeting was attended by 13 members (plus two via skype).