
Last updated: 11/12/2024

Board of the EYCN

The current Board of the EYCN after the election at the 18th Delegate Assembly (August 2023):

Claudia BONFIOItalian Chemical Society

Institute for Supramolecular Science and Engineering, University of Strasbourg and CNRS, Strasbourg, France


Tomasz SWEBOCKI Polish Chemical Society

Université de Lille


Nathan CARPENTIERThe Royal Flemish Chemical Society

Ghent University in the Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials Group


Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Royal Society of Chemistry

the United Kingdom


Chrysanthi PAPADIMOU
Swiss Chemical Society

University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland


Italian Chemical Society

Molecular Horizon srl, Perugia, Italy


Monja SCHILLING German Chemical Society

Helmholtz Institute Ulm, Germany


Maximilian MENCHEGerman Chemical Society



Teams of the EYCN

The EYCN lives and thrives through the outstanding work of its members. We are a motivated team of young scientists representing chemical societies from 22 European countries. Each member society nominates up to two delegates for representing it in the annual Delegate Assembly (DA) and in the EYCN throughout the following year.

The delegates of the member societies are organized in five teams: Communication Team, Global Connections Team, Membership Team, Networks Team and Science Team. Each of those teams is managed by a Team Leader, which together with the Chair, Secretary, and the Treasurer form the Steering Committee of the EYCN.

The EYCN Governance (from the left): Chrystanthi PAPADIMOU (Membership Team Leader), Nathan CARPENTIER (Treasurer) Claudia BONFIO (Chair), Tomasz SWEBOCKI (Secretary), Gaia DE ANGELIS (Global Connections Team Leader), Noah AL-SHAMERY (Communication Team Leader), Sara TORTORELLA (Networks Team Leader), Monja SCHILLING (Science Team Leader).

Here, we present the team members, and the main tasks that each team has within the EYCN:

Tasks of the Communication Team are to:

  • write and circulate a monthly newsletter to all EYCN delegates and friends;
  • communicate important information from the Board using social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn) and e-mail;
  • maintain social media pages – respond to requests and questions, find and post useful or interesting information;
  • increase the visibility of the EYCN through social media channels…

Tasks of the Global Connections Team are to:

  • Fostering connections between EYCN and Young Chemical Societies outside of Europe;
  • Increasing the global visibility of EYCN;
  • Internal cooperation with other teams of EYCN to create new possibilities and projects for  global cooperation.

Tasks of the Membership Team are to:

Tasks of the Networks Team are to:

  • increase EYCN impact and provide support to young chemists in Europe through international partnerships with universities, industries, scientific societies, and governments;
  • identify networking opportunities and set the ground for fruitful collaborations;
  • make the link with policy makers, organizers of scientific events and young chemists;
  • increase the visibility of EYCN by engaging in various international chemistry-related projects;
  • lead international projects with various European partners (European Cooperation in Science and Technology – COST Actions, Marie Curie Training Networks, industrial partners, etc.);
  • contribute to providing knowledge on industrial and academic job opportunities in Europe;
  • organise workshops and webinars for continuous development of young chemists in Europe;
  • collaborate with the Science and Global Connections Teams on scientific and global outreach.

Tasks of the Science Team are to:

  • promote chemistry around Europe (Photochimica – photography contest, Chemistry Rediscovered – video contest);
  • promote the EYCN around Europe (designing promo materials like posters, roll-ups, for EuChemS conferences);
  • develop the EYCN Project Management Course;
  • support the scientific part of all EYCN projects and events;
  • organize fundraising for the Science projects…

Delegates of the EYCN

Today, the EYCN has representatives from 25 European chemical societies (22 countries in total). To become active within the EYCN, your chemical society needs to be a member of EuChemS (see the list of EuChemS member societies here). Please contact us if you want to get involved and actively participate in the EYCN activities.

A map of all the EuChemS/EYCN member societies (dark blue) and EuChemS member societies (light blue).

You can find more information about each society by following the links below.

Name Surname Member Society/Young SectionCountry
Miguel Steiner
Österreichische Chemische Gesellschaft (GÖCH) (Austrian Chemical Society)
Junge Chemie (Austrian Young Chemists Network)
Thomas Vranken
Alana Rossen
Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging (KVCV) – Royal Flemish Chemical Society
Youth division of KVCV
Iva ZonjićHrvatsko Kemijsko Društvo – Croatian Chemical Society
Youth division of the Croatian Chemical Society
Costas Constantinou Παγκύπρια Ένωση Επιστημόνων Χημικών – Pancyprian Union of Chemists
Youth Division of PUC
Jakub Smetana
Petr Lenweber
Česká společnost Chemická – Czech Chemical Society
Sekce mladých chemiků – Czech Young Chemists’ Network (CzYCN)
Heta Nieminen Suomalaisten Kemistien Seura (SKS) – Finnish Chemical Society
Ileana-Alexandra Pavel
Roselyne Jeanne-Brou
Société Chimique de France (SCF) – French Chemical Society
Réseau des Jeunes chimistes de la SCF – French Young Chemists’ Network
Monja Schilling
Fabian Heck
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) – German Chemical Society
JungChemikerForum – German Young Chemists
Vaia MitoulaΈνωση Ελλήνων Χημικών – Association of Greek Chemists
Zsanett Bodor Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete – Hungarian Chemical Society
Fiatal Kémikusok Fóruma – Forum of the Young Chemists
Wiktoria BrytanInstituid Ceimice Na Héireann – Institute of Chemistry of Ireland
Emilia Paone
Sara Tortorella
Società Chimica Italiana (SCI) – Italian Chemical Society
SCI Giovani – SCI Young Group
Kimberly Tran
Tatiana Sviriniuc
Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV) – Royal Netherlands Chemical Society
Jong KNCV – Young members of the Royal Netherlands Chemistry Society
Tomasz Swebocki
Daria Jaworska
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne – Polish Chemical Society
Sekcja Młodych Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego – Young Section of the Polish Chemical Society
Carina Vieira
João António
Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ) – Portuguese Chemical Society
Grupo de Químicos Jovens (GQJ) da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ) –
Young Chemists Group of the Portuguese Chemical Society
Ana-Maria PușcașuSocietatea de Chimie din Romania – Romanian Chemical Society
Secția Tinerilor Chimiști, București 2 – Young Chemists Section, Bucharest 2
Jelena Kesić Српско хемијско друштво (СХД) – Srpsko hemijsko društvo (SHD) – Serbian Chemical Society
Клуб младих хемичара Србије – Klub mladih hemičara Srbije – Serbian Young Chemists’ Club
Mária Paračková
Adrián Gucky
Slovenská chemická spoločnosť – Slovak Chemical Society
Fórum mladých SCHS – Slovak Chemical Society Youth Forum
Slovenian Chemical Society – Slovensko kemijsko društvo
Enol López HernándezReal Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) – Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry
Grupo Especializado de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos (JIQ – RSEQ) –
Spanish Young Investigators in Chemistry
María Celia Lucana Meneses
Isabel Díez Palet
Societat Catalana de Química (SCQ) – Catalan Chemical Society
Chrysanthi Papadimou
Marie-Désirée Schlemper-Scheidt
Swiss Chemical Society – Société Suisse de Chemie –
Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft – Swiss Chemical Society
youngSCS – Jeunes Chimistes Suisse – Schweizer Jungchemiker
Merve Ercan
Sevilay Nur Köse
Türkiye Kimya Dernegi – Turkish Chemical Society
Türkiye Kimya Derneği Genç Kimyacılar Platformu –
Turkish Chemical Society Young Chemists’ Network
Gaia De Angelis
Ivan Yankov
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Early Career Network