
Division (previously Working Party) Publications and Reports

2007: Neighbours and Territories: The Evolving Identity of Chemistry

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Chapters from the proceedings: (For remaining chapters, please contact vice chair Annette Lykknes)

00 Title pages_;    01 Contents_; 02 Bertomeu_Introduction_; 03 Principe ; 04 Simoes ; 05 Bensaude Vincent 06 Homburg ; 07 Hirai introduction ; 08 Franckowiak ; 09 Hirai10 Joly11 Peterschmitt ; 12 Bensaude introduction 13 Lehman ; 14 Perkins ; 15 Garcia Belmar ; 16 Frecks ; 17 Anderson18 Simoes introduction 19 Jo Nye ; 20 Reinhardt ; 21 Herran ; 22 Weininger ; 23 Pohl introduction ; 24 Gary Patterson ; 26 Feichtinger ; 27 Van Beylen28 Beretta ; 29 Rampling ; 30 Ducheyne ; 33 Fors ; 34 Smets ; 35 Mc Evoy ; 36 Schummer ;37 Pallo ; 38 Morris ; 39 Paixao ; 40 Klein 42 Strbanova ; 43 Kaji ; 44 Calvo-Monreal ; 45 Lundgren ; 46 Ruthenberg ; 47 Kahlert ; 48 Laszlo ; 49 Christopoulou ; 50 Papanelopoulou ; 52 Kikuchi ;53 Johnson ; 54 Leal da Silva ; 56 Toca 58 Pinto ;59 Cruz ; 60 Simmons ; 61 Mackie and Roberts ; 63 Chang-Hao ; 64 Bokaris 65 Malaquias ; 66 Ringsdorf ; 67 Bandinelli68 Pedersen 69 Bartow ; 70 Boeck ; 71 Lykknes ; 73 da Silva ; 74 Zaragoza ; 75 Quilez ; 76 Fauque ;77 Lestel ; 80 Autors index ;
Report from the conference

2006: History of the Food Chain

Aim: to bring together historically interested chemists working in the fields of food, agricultural and analytical, bio and environmental chemistry and historians of chemistry.

2005: Creating Networks in Chemistry

The book “Creating Networks in Chemistry: The Founding and Early History of Chemical Societies in Europe”, edited by Anita Kildebaek Nielsen and Sona Štrbánová (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008), which originated from the workshop on chemical societies in connection with the 5th International Conference for the History of Chemistry in Estoril & Lisbon in 2005, has been published.

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2005: 5th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (5ICHC), Lisbon, Portugal

To recieve the proceedings for the 5ICHC, please contact Isabel Malaquais.

Email Dr. Isabel Malaquias

2003: 4th International Conference on the History of Chemistry (4ICHC), Budapest, Hungary

Theme “Communication in Chemistry in Europe, across borders and across generations – 34 papers were presented to about 80 participants.

During a meeting held on Friday 26 and Saturday 27 April 2019, on the Swedish island of Resarö, Vaxholm Municipality in the Stockholm archipelago, the first EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award plaque was unveiled at the Ytterby mine, famous for being linked to the discovery site of some 8 rare earths elements.

Report on Ytterby by Brigitte Van Tiggelen


Other reports and Publications

Isabel Malaquias and Peter J. T. Morris (ed.), Perspectives on Chemical Biography in the 21st Century, Cambridge Scholars Publishers, February 2019

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The Science History Institute has been awarded a $198,454 grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) for the project Science and Survival: Digitizing the Papers of Georg and Max Bredig.

Unlike many other archival collections of German Jewish scientists that were seized and destroyed by the Nazis, Georg Bredig’s papers miraculously survived. This award will be used to catalogue, translate, digitize, and make publicly accessible nearly 3,000 letters, photographs, and other documents from this newly rediscovered trove of rare historic material as well as the related war-time papers of Max Bredig, Georg’s son.

Georg Bredig (1868–1944) was a pioneering scientist in the field of physical chemistry who held important academic positions until his career was ended by the Nazis in 1933.

The pre-1933 materials detail Bredig’s early scientific training and his rise to international prominence during the golden age of German science.

The collection contains extensive correspondence with many Nobel laureates in chemistry and physics, including Svante Arrhenius, Wilhelm Ostwald, Niels Bohr, Ernst Rutherford, Fritz Haber, Max Planck, Walther Nernst, and Harold Urey. It is also a trove of portraits and group pictures, with all individuals meticulously identified by Georg Bredig.

For more information about the Science History Institute and this award, please visit the Science History Institute Website.