EuChemS attends ACS Spring

Mar 25, 2024

On 17-21 March, EuChemS Vice President Floris Rutjes, and Secretary General Nineta Hrastelj attended the spring conference of the American Chemical Society (ACS Spring).

EuChemS had invited talks in the presidential sessions “Collaborating Across Boundaries” and “Achieving Environmental Justice in the Chemistry Enterprise” chaired by the ACS President Mary Carroll, as well as at the session on environment by ACS’s Division of Environmental Chemistry. The talks, delivered by Floris Rutjes, and co-authored by Angela Agostiano and Nineta Hrastelj, covered EuChemS, activities, and diversity related actions, EuChemS’ approach to Early Career researchers, and EuChemS’ sustainability-related EU Policy activities.

From left to right: Mustafa Culha, current and Reuben Jih-Ru Hwu, former President of The Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS), Mary Carroll, ACS President, Floris Rutjes, EuChemS Vice President, Nineta Hrastelj, EuChemS Secretary General

Floris Rutjes and Nineta Hrastelj met with ACS CEO Albert Horvath, Chief Operating Officer LaTrease Garrison and Global Engagement Manager Christina I. McCoy from ACS, Zoe Cournia from the Association of Greek Chemists and EuChemS’ Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, and others. They attended the Board Dinner on March 16 as well, as international guests, being invited by Wayne Jones, Chair of the Board of Directors.

You can read the article on ACS spring in EuChemS Magazine here.

As always, EuChemS was delighted to further the cause of international chemistry collaborations in New Orleans, and on the same note, looks forward to welcome representatives of the ACS in Dublin, at the 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress.