EuChemS Awards – Information Session
Nov 12, 2020
Save the date!
The European Chemical Society, EuChemS, is pleased to organise an Information Session on its Awards. The event will take place online on Tuesday 24 November, from 10:00 to 11:30 CET. The webinar will be held on the platform Zoom.
During this Information Session, you will be introduced to 5 EuChemS Awards:
European Chemistry Gold Medal 📢
EuChemS Lecture Award 📢
EuChemS Award for Service 📢
EuChemS Historical Landmark Awards 📢
European Young Chemists’ Award (EYCA)
This Information Session is for those who are eligible to submit a nomination to one of the EuChemS calls currently open, and for those who are just curious to discover more about how EuChemS recognises the research undertaken in the chemical sciences.
During this session, you will learn about:
- the purpose of each EuChemS Award;
- who is eligible for the EuChemS Awards;
- who can nominate a candidate for the EuChemS Awards;
- how to submit a nomination and where to find the nomination form;
- the explanation of the nomination procedures and selection process;
- the previous Awardees;
- tips from the Jury members.
The EuChemS Awards will be presented in the following order:
- European Chemistry Gold Medal Award
- EuChemS Lecture Award
- EuChemS Award for Service
- EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award
- European Young Chemists’ Award (EYCA)
This online event will be hosted and moderated by N. Hrastelj (EuChemS Secretary General).
The videos will be featured by L. Jousset and J. Lazić (EuChemS Science Communication and Policy Officers) and A. M. Rodríguez (EYCN Chair).
Our guests for interactive sessions are P. Goya (EuChemS President), Floris Rutjes (EuChemS Vice-President), B. Van Tiggelen (Chair of the EuChemS Historical Landmark Selection Committee) and A. Agostiano (Chair of the European Young Chemists Award Committee).