The call for nominations for the role of EuChemS President-Elect (Vice-President) is open.
The President-Elect will take office for one year in January 2026 and succeed Angela Agostiano as EuChemS President in January 2027 for 3 years. As of 2030, the candidate will serve for two more years as Past-President (Vice-President).
You are kindly invited to make nominations through the online form below by 16 May 18:00 Brussels time.
Please read carefully the nomination procedure, role and responsibilities before submitting a nomination.
To be valid, a nomination must contain the following information:
- A statement giving the reasons why the candidate should be elected (in not more than 400 words).
- A note of the candidate’s current job/ recent career activity, relevant appointments, etc (please do not provide a lengthy curriculum vitae, maximum 2 pages).
- A signed letter, not more than one A4 page, from the President or General Secretary of the candidate’s member society in support of the nomination, since it is expected that the member society will provide support for the costs of travelling to statutory and other EuChemS meetings. A small contribution can be made available from the EuChemS budget for travel expenses, if requested.
2.1 The role of the EuChemS President
- Chair of the General Assembly, the Executive Board, the Forum for Divisions and Working Parties
- Ambassador and advocate for the chemical sciences and for EuChemS
- Ensure EuChemS meets the requirements of its legal status as AISBL (international non-profit association registered in Belgium)
- Ensure implementation of the EuChemS strategy
2.2 Basic requirements
- A distinguished chemist and a member of a EuChemS member society
- Ability to provide leadership in formulating strategy
- Broad understanding of the role of chemistry in Europe
- Experienced and skilled chair of meetings
- Support from nominating society
2.3 Time commitment includes
- Attendance at meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Board (usually 3 times per year, two days each time)
- Occasional policy meetings with Members of the European Parliament, European Commission, and at other high level meetings in Europe
- Involvement in the EuChemS Chemistry Congress(es) taking place during the presidency
- Representing EuChemS at important international meetings
- General e-mail correspondence and (on-line) meetings with the General Secretary
- Keeping contact with the member societies, the Divisions and WP as well as EYCN.
2.4 Financial support
- The financial commitment for travel/subsistence or other expenses lies with the member society making the nomination
- In addition to chairing the statutory meetings, the priorities for the President’s travel are to make known and represent the cause of chemical sciences to political and scientific bodies across Europe. EuChemS expects the nominating national society to cover most of the costs, including participation in meetings of the Executive Board and General Assembly. The candidate for President Elect is encouraged to make every effort to find funding for his/her travel. The sum of €2,000 per annum can be made available from the EuChemS budget during the three-year term of office as President, to reimburse agreed travel/subsistence expenses in special circumstances; the President will inform the Treasurer and the General Secretary of the expense he/she is planning.
3.1 Nominations may be made by any member society and must be submitted by the President or General Secretary of a EuChemS member society.
3.2 The General Secretary shall announce to all member societies the vacancy for President-Elect, giving information on the Role and Requirements, and inviting nominations from the member societies to be submitted in the prescribed form by a date not less than two months after the announcement.
3.3 Following the date for receipt of nominations, the name(s) of the candidates will be presented to the Executive Board.
3.4 The Executive Board will instruct the General Secretary to arrange for a ballot at the General Assembly meeting in October. Proxy voting will be permitted. If the outcome of the ballot does not give any one candidate an overall majority of the votes, a second ballot will be conducted during the General Assembly meeting.
Voting (a simple majority is required) will be in accordance with the EuChemS Constitution and the Bylaws.
Please find the Call for Nominations for EuChemS President-Elect here.