1st Anglo Italian Chemical Biology Bilateral Meeting (AICBBM-1)

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15/12/2024 - 17/12/2024
1st Anglo Italian Chemical Biology Bilateral Meeting (AICBBM-1)

AICBBM-1 is the first bilateral meeting between the RSC Chemical Biology Bioorganic Chemistry (CBBG) Interest Group and the Biological Systems Division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI Divisione Sistemi Biologici).
This 3-day meeting aims to provide an opportunity to network between established and younger scientists with an interest in Chemical Biology and Bio-organic Chemistry of the RSC, the SCI, and beyond.
Main Topics:
– Small molecules
Development of small molecules for biological studies
Mode-of action of bioactive small molecules
The small-molecule metabolome
– Peptides and proteins
The roles of peptides/proteins in biological processes (PTM, localisation, homeostasis, molecular interactions, function, biosynthetic pathways)
Development of peptides/proteins for biological studies, biosensors and biocatalysis
– Nucleic acids
Nucleic acid structure and function
Development of nucleic acid-based technologies
– Carbohydrates
The roles of carbohydrates in biology
Development of carbohydrate-based tools and technologies
– Lipids
The roles of lipids in biology
Development of lipid-based tools and technologies
– Biomaterials
Materials in biology and biomedicine
Development of new biomaterials
Nanoscale engineering with biomaterials



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You can register, and find up-to-date information about the event, speakers, deadlines and the venue below: