ECTN 5th STEM-CPD Summer School

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15/09/2025 - 19/09/2025
ECTN 5th STEM-CPD Summer School

The 5th STEM-CPD Summer School is an exceptional opportunity for university lecturers in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to develop professional development activities for the lecturers at their respective universities and to enhance their university teaching competences with an international dimension, thereby improving the quality of STEM education at their institutions. Upon successful completion of the 5th STEM-CPD Summer School, participants will be awarded the CPD Ambassador certificate and gain the opportunity to join the international CPD Ambassadors Community. The STEM-CPD Summer School spans 4.5 days and offers a range of inspiring interactive workshops, collaborative group sessions, and powerful discussions, among others “Challenges in Teaching and Learning in HE”, “Competence model (TPACK) and development of personal career”, “Inclusive education – Step in your students’ and fellows’ shoes”, and “Motivate your students, your colleagues and yourself”. The study program is based on active learning.



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