ECTN Teaching and Learning in STEM Summer Schools: “Question-Driven Learning in STEM” Summer School

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29/06/2025 - 01/07/2025
ECTN Teaching and Learning in STEM Summer Schools: “Question-Driven Learning in STEM” Summer School
Many lecturers in Chemistry and other STEM disciplines are still hesitant to adopt active learning approaches, such as incorporating questioning techniques, fostering collaborative learning among students, that are accepted as common goal already at many universities. The “Question-Driven Learning in STEM” Summer School will equip its participants with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently teach using questioning techniques and to effectively support collaborative learning among students and using teaching and learning methods such as POGIL or SCALE-UP.
It is the first summer school in the new series on “Teaching and Learning in Higher Education STEM” organized by the ECTN Eurolecturer Academy, that will focus on a specific educational theme in STEM higher education (STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). It builds on the previous Summer Schools organized by the ECTN, called Summer School for Newly Appointed Chemistry Teaching Staff.
The “Question-Driven Learing in STEM” Summer School offers a range of inspiring workshops, collaborative group sessions, and powerful discussions, among others the sessions: “Active learning through questioning. What or why?”, “Diversity and inclusion in question-driven learning”, and “Round table discussion: impact of changing the paradigm on the curriculum”. See more the programme:



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