First 2024 issue of EuChemS Magazine Plus is released
Mar 15, 2024
On 14 March, the first issue of the second volume of EuChemS Magazine Plus, an extended edition of the monthly EuChemS Magazine was published.
EuChemS Magazine Plus features a selection of articles and in-depth essays written by guest contributors from the European Chemistry Community. In this issue, Angela Agostiano covers her priorities as the new EuChemS President in the Editorial, and she discusses her commitment to gender equality in the President’s Column. In our policy essay, you can read a short guide to the upcoming European Elections. In our research segment, you can learn more about the upcoming 9th EuChemS Chemistry Congress and get to know a novel research infrastructure, NFDI4Chem. Furthermore, you can hear perspectives from the EYCN, on their 19th Delegate Assembly, from the Slovak Chemical Society, and from GDCh. Last, but not least, you can find our interview with Martyna Kniazevaitė, the recipient of the 2023 EU Contest for Young Scientist EuChemS Award, as well as an interview conducted by CheistryViews with Péter Szalay, the new president of the Hungarian Chemical Society in this issue.
EuChemS Magazine is the monthly publication of EuChemS, summarising news about science policy and European Chemistry. However, every four months – three times a year – EuChemS Magazine Plus is published with more content from a wide range of authors.