EuChemS would like welcome Mrs. Fillenia Sideri as the new President of our Member Society the Association of Greek Chemists – Ένωση Ελλήνων Χημικών.
Mrs. Fillenia Sideri has been elected President of the Steering Board of the Association of Greek Chemists for the period 2016-2018.
Mrs. Sideri studied Chemistry at the Chemistry Department of the University of Ioannina and is professionally engaged in private secondary education since 1986.
She is authorof a large number of books related to the teaching of Chemistry, including the official Chemistry textbook of third classof compulsorysecondary education.
In the past she has served as the Chairwoman of the Division of Chemistry and Education of the Association of Greek Chemists (AGC), and has been a member of the Steering Committee of the AGC.