Launch of the 2019 International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT2019)
29 January 2018
Paris, France
1st International Meeting on Deep Eutectic Systems
1st International Meeting on Deep Eutectic Systems
24 – 27 June 2019
Lisbon, Portugal
17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment – ICCE2019
17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment – ICCE2019
16 – 20 June 2019
Thessaloniki, Greece
14th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC2019)
14th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC2019)
Lecce, Italy
2 – 6 June 2019
1st GHI World Congress on Food Safety and Security (GHI2019)
1st GHI World Congress on Food Safety and Security (GHI2019)
Leiden, Netherlands
24 – 28 March 2019
Setting their Table: Women and the Periodic Table of Elements
Setting their Table: Women and the Periodic Table of Elements
11 – 12 February 2019
Murcia, Spain

The Periodic Table and us: its history, meaning, and element scarcity
The Periodic Table and us: its history, meaning, and element scarcity
22 January 2019
Brussels, Belgium

EYCN’s Chemistry Rediscovered
The EYCN has launched the second edition of its video competition Chemistry Rediscovered, this time putting the International Year of the Periodic Table at its heart. All chemists between the ages of 12 and 35 years are invited to send in videos on the theme “In Your Element”.
More information available online:
Deadline: 31 January 2019
Award for Service & Lecture Award – just 15 days left
Each year, the major achievements of one junior scientist working in chemistry in a country with a EuChemS Member Organisation will be rewarded. The call for nominations for the Lecture Award is open and submissions must be made online here. The winner will receive a statuette and the opportunity to give a lecture at the next European Chemistry Congress (ECC) or at a conference of an EuChemS Professional Network (PN).
Deadline: 31 December 2018
All EuChemS Member Organisations, Divisions/Working Parties and individuals are invited to submit nominations for the 2019 EuChemS Award for Service. This award acknowledges outstanding commitment with regard to fostering chemistry and molecular sciences in Europe and the goals of EuChemS. In addition to recognised service to EuChemS, this may include activities in governmental, non-governmental or funding organisations, publicity-related activities, etc. Nominations must demonstrate achievements for improved competitiveness, visibility, coherence or structure of chemistry in Europe. Nominations are now open and must be submitted here.
Deadline: 31 December 2018.
Joint call for proposals on microplastics in the marine environment
Twelve JPI Oceans member countries together with Brazil launched a call for transnational research projects worth some €2.9 million to study the sources, distribution and impact of microplastics in the marine environment.
Deadline: 28 February 2019
Call for proposal: solar-driven chemistry 2019/2020
The EuChemS-initiated multinational call for projects on “solar-driven chemistry” was signed by 5 national funding organisations and was published on 14 December. The challenge, namely, the conversion of solar energy into chemical compounds through technical processes, and by means of artificial compounds and using available raw materials (carbon dioxide, water) remains a visionary goal. Many fundamental scientific questions will need to be answered before it can be implemented in a meaningful way on a technical scale, but the social impact of such advances is tremendous.
Deadline: 13 February 2019
EFSA public consultation: cyanogenic glycosides in foods
EFSA has launched a public consultation on its draft Scientific Opinion on evaluation of the health risks related to the presence of cyanogenic glycosides in foods other than raw apricot kernels.
Drop us a line if you would like to contribute to an EuChemS response! Deadline to send us feedback: 15 January 2019.
Plan S guidelines – public consultation
A public consultation has now been opened on the Plan S guidelines. EuChemS is currently preparing a Position Paper on the topic. Deadline: 1st February 2019
InRoad: final conference
The final conference of InRoad, a Horizon 2020 project going towards better synchronisation of priority settings and evaluation mechanisms for research infrastructures beyond national relevance took place on 12 December in Brussels.
The conference provided a platform to examine and discuss the findings of a number of InRoad policy insights, including the InRoad consultation report, the InRoad compendium, briefing notes and final reports. These policy insights aim to deliver recommendations and benchmarks for a better coordination of Research & Innovation policies and funding mechanisms in Europe.
More about the InRoad project available here:
ECHA Committee for Risk Assessment meets in Helsinki
EuChemS attended the European Chemical Agency’s Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) – 47 meeting in Helsinki in November. The RAC prepares the opinions of ECHA related to the risks of substances to human health and the environment, although final decisions are taken by the European Commission.
One of the major issues highlighted during the meeting was the increasing workload of RAC which tripled from 34 opinions in 2012, to 102 opinions in 2016 and 98 in 2017. The RAC plenary meetings which now usually take two weeks and are conducted four times a year, are dedicated to the assessment of classification and labelling dossiers under CLP, as well as the evaluation of applications for authorisation and proposals for restrictions of chemicals.
Further information about the RAC and minutes of the meetings are published by ECHA online here:
The European Chemistry Thematic Network Administrative Council (ECTN) meets in Frankfurt
On 29 November, the Administrative Council of the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) met at the GDCh premises in Frankfurt. The meeting focused on the latest ECTN activities, such as the EuroLabels for higher education and the EChemTest. On the menu was also the recent publication of the 2nd Employment Survey for European Chemists (ESEC2), a joint project with EuChemS. The next, 3rd Employment Survey for chemists scheduled in 2020 was also discussed. Finally, the Administrative Council finalised further details regarding the ECTN General Assembly to be held in Krakow, Poland, in April 2019.
Impact Research EU
On 27 November, a high-level conference on how research and innovation affect daily life was held in the European Parliament. The event, which combined talks with representatives from the European Commission, European Parliament and ministers from EU Member States as well as a range of scientists, explored the major challenges we currently face, and how impact research can and should continue to be fostered in Europe.
Speakers, from European Parliament President Antonio Tajani to European Commissioner for Research and Innovation Carlos Moedas, emphasised the intrinsic link between European identity and science. They aimed to demonstrate the value European science brings to peoples’ lives, but also warned of increasing competitiveness from China and the US. Mr Moedas moreover underlined that the EU “believes in the intuition of scientists”.
A pre-recorded video message from Ben Feringa, Chemistry Nobel Prize winner, reminded decision-makers and scientists alike that researchers and innovators must be given room to discover, make mistakes, and explore the unknown. Fabiola Gianotti, Director General of CERN, echoed these thoughts and stressed the fact that fundamental science should not be overlooked as it does not so easily fit within neat little boxes that funding programmes sometimes rely on.
More about the event available here:
EuChemS attends EFSA Stakeholder Forum
Last month saw the annual European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) Stakeholder Forum, an event which sought to stimulate and simplify dialogue between the European Agency and official stakeholders. The event also aimed to exchange views on EFSA’s ongoing work and plans for the future. The relatively new and bolstered role of academic organisations was recognised by EFSA as a positive and much needed aspect of stakeholder interaction.
The discussions quickly focused on ‘scientific uncertainty’ and how to effectively communicate it. Participants debated and took part in exercises linked to the recent EFSA consultation on its draft “Guidance on Communication of Uncertainty in Scientific Assessments” – a call for feedback which EuChemS responded to, highlighting the need to make a clearer distinction between measurement uncertainty and uncertainty caused by other sources. We moreover encouraged EFSA to align terminology with existing international terminology, and also provided several relevant references from scientific literature.
The event, chaired by EFSA Executive Director Bernhard Url was a lively and debate-stimulating one, which effectively allowed all stakeholders to make themselves heard. Further events and activities between EFSA and stakeholders are foreseen for the future.
More information available on the EFSA website:
Report of the 2nd Employment Survey for European Chemists is published
The report of the 2nd Employment Survey for European Chemists (ESEC2) was published on 21 November. The report, which analysed data received in 2017, delves into the employment conditions and career opportunities for chemists in Europe.
The figures take a look at a variety of aspects, including education levels, career planning, job satisfaction, employment sectors and salaries. The conditions and opportunities are individually analysed for all countries with a statistically significant number of responses. The results in turn provide important clues for careers in these countries, and in Europe as a whole. This is the first general evaluation of the 2nd survey and provides many details about the chemistry workforce in Europe and its development. The ESEC2 is based on the experience of the first European employment survey (ESEC1) which was carried out in 2013, although both the questionnaire and the technology have been much reworked.
Plan S: China, petitions, events & a GDCh statement
Plan S, the plan initiated by a coalition of European funders (cOAlition S) and supported by the European Commission to encourage a rapid transition to open access publishing continues to make waves within the scientific community.
In an unexpected move, Chinese officials have said that China also intends to make publicly funded research open access on publication. They also pledged support for Plan S although what this actually means in terms of adopting all the Plan S policies remains unclear, reports Nature.
At the same time, a petition in favour of Plan S has also been circulating, and has collected a similar amount of signatures as the recent petition against the plan.
On 29 November, EuChemS attended the Frontiers and SwissCore event “Enabling the Open Science Modus Operandi in Europe” which sought to demonstrate the possibilities and positives of open access publishing, as well as of discussing Plan S in more detail. Whilst most panellists were strongly supportive of Plan S, a more nuanced view was expressed by ULB Professor in Microeconomics Alexis Walckiers who stressed the importance of recognising significant differences between disciplines as well as the differences between for-profit and not-for-profit publishing methods. Stephan Kuster, Secretary General of Science Europe, one of the major Plan S designers, recognised that there had been a lack of debate with stakeholders, including learned societies.
Speakers also addressed whether the policy debate would effectively lead to a changing research culture, a conversation which rapidly led to a more general discussion on the role of research impact factors, and how to attain the principles of the DORA declaration. Gareth O’Neill, President of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior researchers (Eurodoc) labelled Open Science a paradigm, and one in which scientists and researchers would need to be trained, supported and rewarded.
The German Chemical Society (GDCh) adopted on 6 December a statement on Plan S. Whilst the society “supports the fundamental intention of Plan S, and explicitly welcomes some of the principles formulated”, it highlights the need for clarification and expresses concern that “some of the key issues will have significant adverse effects on the researchers involved, and on Europe as a centre for innovative research”. The statement concludes by asking that Plan S supporters recognise the society’s concerns and those of its members, and that the “legitimate aim of making scientific results freely accessible to all […] not be thwarted by unintended, science-damaging consequences”. You can read the GDCh statement online here.
A public consultation has now been opened on the Plan S guidelines. EuChemS is currently preparing a Position Paper on the topic.
Horizon Europe – continued
Negotiations surrounding the future EU research framework programme Horizon Europe are progressing although diverging conclusions are slowly being reached between the European Parliament and the Council. In addition, national ministers themselves are split on a number of central issues. At heart of the different viewpoints for Horizon Europe is that of whether to continue maintaining the notion of ‘excellence’ as the central pillar, or whether to shape Horizon Europe as a tool to help fix the research and innovation divide between western and eastern Member States. The Council agreed on a “partial general approach” with promoting scientific excellence as the first objective, reports Research Europe, a position which the European Parliament is unlikely to fully support.
Also unresolved is the exact budget Horizon Europe will get. The European Parliament voted on 12 December on a €120 billion budget, despite calls by academic organisations, EuChemS included, for a €160 billion budget – a figure which would ensure Europe remains a highly competitive and pioneering player in world science, research and innovation. MEP Christian Ehler, one of the two Rapporteurs for Horizon Europe, recognised that even a €120 billion budget would not allow Europe to fully catch up with US and Chinese spending in R&D. The Council has at this stage not yet determined its budget proposal – as this will only become clearer once the figures for the entire Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) of the EU are known.
Council ministers have also expressed doubts over the role of ‘Missions’ in Horizon Europe, and have, to the contrary of the European Commission’s intentions, moved from precise missions to more general thematic notions. The Commission’s example mission to reduce plastic waste in rivers and seas was replaced by ministers to a target for healthy water; the mission on curing paediatric cancer was replaced by a more general target for all cancers – reports Science Business.
Finally, Horizon Europe Rapporteur MEP Dan Nica aimed to reassure British colleagues that access to Horizon Europe should in principle not be an issue, and that ultimately, the decision to participate and to what extent would be a British one. But these assurances were not expressively given in Council meetings, nor were they echoed by the European Parliament’s plenary on 12 December. Moreover, the access to the programme for third countries such as Norway and Switzerland was not clearly defined.
It remains unclear at this stage whether a final agreement on Horizon Europe will be finalised before the European Parliament elections next May.