Deadline: 31 January 2021
Review of Online Databases on Chemical Analysis Methods for the Identification of New Products and Materials (PEN-CP-2020-ER4)
Deadline for proposal submission: 19 January 2021
Global Women’s Breakfast
Global Women’s Breakfast – IUPAC
9 February 2021
Multiple locations
Advances in Chemical Biology
Virtual Conference Advances in Chemical Biology
26 – 28 January 2021
International School of Process Chemistry – ISPROCHEM
International School of Process Chemistry – ISPROCHEM
9 – 15 May 2021
Gargnano, Italy
EuChemS Executive Board meeting
EuChemS Executive Board meeting
18 February 2021
1st Greenering International Conference
1st Greenering International Conference
15 – 17 February 2021
Lisbon, Portugal
European Researchers’ Night – Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)
European Researchers’ Night
Deadline: 12 January 2021
In 2020, the European Researchers’ Night will take place on Friday, 27 November. You can apply to get funding to organise an event, promote research, and channel its impact to improve citizens’ daily lives.
European Sustainable Chemistry Award (ESCA)
EuChemS recognises the achievements of individual scientists and teams through the European Sustainable Chemistry Award (ESCA). The European Sustainable Chemistry Award is intended to be a prestigious scheme which will raise the profile of sustainable chemistry and be a spur to innovation and competitiveness.
Deadline: 1 February 2021
Submit your nomination HERE.
International Award Committee for the EuChemS Lecture Award (IACL)
The call for the International Award Committee for the EuChemS Lecture Award (IACL) is open.
Deadline: 31 December 2020
You are invited to submit a nomination HERE (please scroll down to the Submission form “Jury Nomination for the International Award Committee for the EuChemS Lecture Award (IACL) 2020”).
Calls open for 4 EuChemS Awards
The deadline to submit a nomination for all EuChemS Awards is 31 December 2020.
The European Chemistry Gold Medal aims to reward the exceptional achievements of one scientist working in the field of chemistry in Europe.
You are invited to submit a nomination HERE
Each year, EuChemS celebrates the major achievements of a junior scientist working in chemistry.
Everything you need to know about the EuChemS Lecture Award and how to submit is available HERE.
EuChemS Award for Service aims to acknowledge the outstanding commitment of an individual to fostering chemistry in Europe, as well as to the goals of EuChemS.
If you know somebody who has made a difference for Chemistry in Europe you are invited to submit your nomination HERE.
The EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award, which aims to celebrate the important link between history, cultural heritage and chemistry, is open for submission.
Find out more about the Award and enter your submission HERE.
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) public consultations
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) public consultations
European Commission Public Consultations and Roadmaps
A number of consultations and roadmaps put forward by the European Commission are currently open:
- ‘Fluorinated greenhouse gases – review of EU rules (2015-20)’
Public Consultation
Deadline: 29 December 2020 - ‘Reducing packaging waste – review of rules’
Public Consultation
Deadline: 6 January 2021 - ‘CO2 emissions for cars and vans – revision of performance standards’
Public Consultation
Deadline: 5 February 2021 - ‘EU renewable energy rules – review’
Public Consultation
Deadline: 9 February 2021 - ‘EU Action Plan Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil’
Public Consultation
Deadline: 10 February 2021
EuChemS featured in the first issue of AsiaChem
EuChemS had the honour to contribute to the inaugural issue of AsiaChem with an article on the long-standing EuChemS-FACS collaboration. In this contribution, EuChemS President, Pilar Goya, EuChemS Vice-President, Floris Rutjes and EuChemS Past-President, David Cole-Hamilton, congratulate the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS) on the 40th anniversary of its foundation and on the introduction of this new Chemistry magazine.
The Editor-in-Chief of AsiaChem is Ehud Keinan, President of the Israel Chemical Society (a EuChemS Member Society), a former member of the EuChemS Executive Board and the awardee of the 2019 EuChemS Award for Service.
The inaugural issue is now available both in print and online HERE.
Read more about EuChemS’ contribution to the first issue of AsiaChem here.
ECHA Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) on Cadmium exposure
The European Chemical Society attended the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) online meetings of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in November and December 2020.
Many topics were discussed, including the Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) assessments. Special attention was given to the first draft opinion and the report on the scientific evaluation of limits values for Cadmium and its inorganic compounds at the workplace. It takes into account the cumulative Cadmium exposure from all sources (inhalation, food, hand to mouth, dermal) and discusses how to protect workers, also after their occupational career. RAC discussed uncertainties concerning setting an air limit value but supported the value of 0,001 mg/m3 (inhalable fraction) as a starting point, currently set in the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive. More justification on the air limit value would need to be inserted in the final opinion. Further discussion and agreement on the values (OEL and BLV) is foreseen at the next RAC meeting.
RAC also discussed restrictions on undecafluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) and classification of Bisphenol S.
Read more about it RAC-55 meetings here.
Critical Raw Materials: new EU measures for sustainable batteries
On 10 December 2020, the European Commission announced in a press release its proposition to modernise EU legislation on batteries. With new mandatory requirements for all batteries placed on the EU market, the European Commission would like to establish a sustainable batteries value chain in the EU by restricting the use of hazardous substances. Furthermore, these new measures will also focus on recycling targets to prevent the waste of critical raw materials used in batteries.
These stricter environmental measures are part of the actions announced in the new Circular Economy Action Plan – one of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal. Reducing the environmental impact of batteries is one step towards climate neutrality in 2050.
Read the press release of the European Commission here.
Early career Chemists at the 12th European Innovation Summit
During the 12th European Innovation Summit, the European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN) of the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) co-organised the session ‘The Role of Early-Career Professionals in Driving Sustainable Innovation’. The session was hosted by MEP Victor Negrescu. This interactive session brought together speakers from various sectors, such as IUPAC, the European Commission, University, and Industry. Speakers provided their inputs as early-career professionals on innovative technologies relevant to the European Green Deal and global long-term sustainability. They also discussed the involvement of early researchers in this process. This webinar ended with a Q&A session during which the speakers actively engaged with the participants.
The 12th European Innovation Summit was organised by Knowledge4Innovation and held online from 7 to 11 December 2020. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, launched the event during the Opening Ceremony on 7 December. During this online event, she presented her ideas for the creation of a European single market for Innovation: a European Innovation Area (EIA).
‘We have a single European single space for researchers. And one for education. But we need to create one for innovators and entrepreneurs.’
– Mariya Gabriel,
Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Opening Ceremony of the 12th European Innovation Summit
Read more about it here.
#EUvsVirus: that’s a wrap for 2020!
The #EUvsVirus journey continues with the #EUvsVirus Launchathon! It took place online on 10 and 11 December 2020. This event is a follow up action to the #EUvsVirus Hackathon and Matchathon launched earlier in 2020 and supported by the European Innovation Council.
The #EUvsVirus series of online events aims to bring together individuals from various sectors in finding innovative solutions to address the current pandemic crisis. Some of the 120 winners that were selected for their impactful solutions and products are now market ready start-ups. Therefore, the Launchathon aimed to help them to get in touch with corporate partners, public procurers, and investors.
For two days, more than 50 teams of entrepreneurs met online with partners and investors focusing on direct, and impactful meetings and collaborations. These market ready start-ups cover the following fields: health and life, business continuity, remote working and education, social and political cohesion, digital finance, and ‘other’ — a category for projects not covered by preceding topics.
EuChemS continues to be actively involved with the #EUvsVirus community. Read more about EuChemS’ participation in the previous #EUvsVirus events:
– EuChemS at the #EUvsVirus Hackathon:
– EuChemS at the #EUvsVirus Matchathon:
Budget breakdown of Horizon Europe
After lengthy talks, European leaders have succeeded in reaching an agreement on Horizon Europe. The total and final budget for the next seven-year framework programme for research and innovation is €95.517 billion (current prices). In comparison with Horizon 2020, it represents a budget increase of 30%. Concerning Erasmus+, they agreed on expending the budget to €26 billion – almost doubled in comparison with the €14.7 billion allocated to Erasmus+ for Horizon 2020.
The Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC) declared in its latest statement:
‘We are pleased that the European leaders have succeeded in reaching an agreement on the EU’s long-term budget and the Next Generation EU package. This is vital for Europe to recover after the pandemic and to thrive in the years to come.’
– ERC Scientific Council
Friday, 12 December 2020
You can read more about it in the press release of the European Commission here.
Read more about the budget breakdown of Horizon Europe here.
The first 50 years of Chemistry in Europe
In this special edition of our newsletter Chemistry in Europe (CiE) 2020-4, we have highlighted many milestones and unforgettable moments that brought the European Chemical Society where it is today. Furthermore, we have collected memories and assembled stories from the people who shaped the path from 1970 onward.
In this special edition, you will revel in engaging articles from 22 authors, across 68 pages, including 49 photographs, and 6 visuals!
We invite you to read the CiE 2020-4 special issue for reflections on the Chemistry in Europe from half a century behind us, and have a sneak peek into the future.
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