EuCheMS Job Vacancy

EuCheMS is looking for Science Communication and Policy Officer

EuCheMS, the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, is looking for a young motivated professional to start in spring 2018.


The applicants should fulfill the following requirements:

  • University degree in a relevant area, for example, European studies, science communication;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in French and English;
  • IT skills with experience in website content management and social networks
  • Advanced knowledge of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, including managing databases
  • Knowledge of the EU institutions and EU decision-making process
  • Ability to communicate efficiently internally and externally


The responsibilities will include:

  • Monitoring and reporting on European policy topics related to the work of the association
  • Assisting in organizing various policy and management related events and meetings
  • Assisting the General Secretary in daily management of the association
  • Managing the web page and social networks


Those interested, please send your CV and a short motivation to by 31 January 2018.

EuCheMS Individual Supporters and Friends

Individuals are given the possibility to support the work of EuCheMS by promoting and participating in EuCheMS activities, by getting up to date, by sharing their ideas and concerns, or via financial support. According to the EuCheMS Constitution, however, individuals cannot become direct members of EuCheMS.

Supporting the chemical sciences is a task that countless people carry-on every day, from the researcher trying to solve the energy problem, to the policy-maker who includes scientific advice in his or her policy decisions, from the secondary school chemistry teacher who awakens the passion for the periodic table to the common citizen who likes to stay aware about chemistry and subscribes to EuCheMS newsletters.

For those who have the financial means to support the work of EuCheMS in promoting the chemical sciences, we now also offer the change for you to become a friend of EuCheMS. In order to contribute, simply click on the donate button below to donate 25€ or more.

Open Public Consultation on “Strengthened Cooperation Against Vaccine Preventable Diseases”

Vaccine-preventable diseases are major health scourges. Due to their cross-border nature and the challenges to national vaccination programmes, there is a need for common EU action and more coordinated approaches to limit the spread of epidemics and cross-border diseases. There is clear added-value to strengthen cooperation among all relevant actors at EU level, including health authorities, the vaccine industry, research and innovation, healthcare sector and others. In mid-2018, the European Commission will adopt a proposal for a Council Recommendation on Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. The objective of this public consultation is to collect the views and input of citizens, administrations, associations and other relevant organizations to feed into the process of drafting a proposal for the Council Recommendation.
Deadline: 15 March 2018