The upcoming EuChemS General Assembly and its Professional Networks meetings will be held in Bucharest, Romania in the first week of October where it will be hosted by the Romanian Chemical Society. The meetings will enable the EuChemS’ member societies from discussing future activities and initiatives, as well as the many IYPT activities and events of the year. The meetings will as always allow representatives to share ideas and of strengthening links across borders.
2nd European Education Summit
2nd European Education Summit
26 September 2019
Brussels, Belgium
European Research and Innovation Days
European Research and Innovation Days
24 – 26 September 2019
Brussels, Belgium
Sustainable Policy for Critical Raw Materials
Sustainable Policy for Critical Raw Materials
25 September 2019
Brussels, Belgium
Avogadro Colloquia 2019 (AC 2019)
Avogadro Colloquia 2019 (AC 2019)
17 – 18 December 2019
Rome, Italy
3rd International Caparica Christmas Conference on Translational Chemistry
3rd International Caparica Christmas Conference on Translational Chemistry
2 – 5 December 2019
Caparica, Portugal
15th International Conference on Polysaccharides-Glycoscience (15th ICPG)
15th International Conference on Polysaccharides-Glycoscience (15th ICPG)
13 – 15 November 2019
Prague, Czechia
6th MS Food Day Conference
6th MS Food Day Conference
25 – 27 September 2019
Camerino, Italy
4th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (EUGSC-4)
4th EuChemS Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (EUGSC-4)
22 – 25 September 2019
Tarragona, Spain
13th Students‘ Congress of SCTM
13th Students‘ Congress of SCTM
19 – 21 September 2019
Skopje, North Macedonia
Just 2 weeks left to submit a nomination for the European Gold Medal Award
There are now just two weeks left to submit your nomination for the next Gold Medal awardee. Submissions can be made here.
EuChemS opens calls for three of its awards
The call for submissions for three major EuChemS awards were opened on 1st September.
First off, the EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award, which aims to celebrate the important link between history, cultural heritage and chemistry, is open to submission until 31 December 2019. The Award was first run last year with two awardees being selected: the Ytterby Mine in Sweden, and the industrial soap-making complex of ABEA on the island of Crete in Greece. Find out more about the award and enter your submission here.
Each year, EuChemS celebrates the major achievements of a junior scientist working in chemistry. The winner, awarded a statuette, is also invited to give a lecture at the next European Chemistry Congress or the major conference of a EuChemS Professional Network. Everything you need to know about the award and how to submit available here. Deadline: 31 December 2019.
EuChemS also aims to acknowledge the outstanding commitment of an individual to fostering chemistry and molecular sciences in Europe, as well as to the goals of EuChemS. If you know somebody who has made a difference for Chemistry in Europe and for EuChemS’ image and activities, submit your nomination here. Deadline: 31 December 2019.
European Partnership for clean hydrogen (Horizon Europe programme)
European Partnership for clean hydrogen (Horizon Europe programme)
The European Commission has launched an initiative which aims to help create a clean hydrogen sector in Europe that is strong, innovative and competitive and fully capable of supporting and enabling the energy transition outlined in the Commission’s Communication ‘A Clean Planet for All’.
If you would like to contribute to an EuChemS response, please drop us a line.
Deadline for feedback: 6 November 2019
Horizon Europe Co-design 2021-2024
Horizon Europe Co-design 2021-2024
EuChemS has already submitted its response, but you can also respond in a personal capacity to the European Commission’s consultation on the priorities of Horizon Europe. Deadline: end of September.
European Chemicals Agency warns of no-deal Brexit effects on downstream users
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is urging companies to seriously prepare for a no-deal Brexit scenario, due to take place on 31 October 2019. The warning encourages downstream users especially, who may rely on supply chains originating from a UK-based REACH registration to prepare for the eventuality of a no deal, which would make the UK a ‘’third country’’ and registrations by UK manufacturers and importers in some cases become void. More information about the possible disruptions to supply chains and registered substances is available here.
The European Food Safety Agency publishes latest report on pesticide residues in food
The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) has published its annual report on pesticide residues in food. The study, which analysed some 88,000 samples in Europe found that 96% of food samples were found to be free of pesticide residues or to contain traces that fall within legally allowed levels. Two fun infographics have been prepared where you can check the results per food or per country. For the longer read, click here.
Study reveals that collaborative dynamics for research networks are on the rise between EU countries
A study in the Journal of European Planning Studies has shed light on the growing integration between EU countries on research networks. The study analysed the first four years of Horizon 2020 as well as its two predecessor programmes, the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programme. The findings suggest that EU-15 (older EU members) and EU-13 (newer EU members) have increased collaboration, with specific organisations fulfilling a ‘bridging function’. Nevertheless, EU-13 countries continue to be much more engaged in research activities within the programmes that are considered less complex. The study will likely boost views that the future framework programme Horizon Europe should play a greater role in encouraging cross-border collaboration and in bridging the innovation and research gap between EU member states. You can access the study online here.
Chemistry meets Industry and Society: A creative showcase conference Salerno
From 28 – 30 August 2019, chemists, researchers and industry representatives met in the Italian town of Salerno for a breakthrough-type international conference: a creative showcase conference which would explore the interactions between research, industry and society within the field of Chemistry. CIS 2019 aimed to differentiate itself from conventional scientific conferences, and undertook to encourage discussion on various interactions between all three sectors, and ultimately the process from which an idea can become an innovation within broader topics such as Energy, Health, Sustainability and Security.
EuChemS President Pilar Goya was invited to speak and welcome participants, and took the opportunity to present some of EuChemS’s latest activities and initiatives and how it too is taking part in such debates at a pan-European level.
The conference was organised by the Italian Chemical Society in collaboration with European Chemical Society (EuChemS), Federchimica (the Italian Federation of the chemical industry), Farmindustria (Italian Association of pharmaceutical companies) and the support of Italian Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology (INSTM) and Italian Association of Science & Technology of Macromolecules (AIM).
Find out more about the event here.
‘Women in their Element’: new book sheds light on the role of women in the building of the Periodic Table
Edited by Brigitte van Tiggelen, Chair, and Annette Lykknes, Vice-Chair, of the EuChemS Working Party for the History of Chemistry, and including the work of several authors, ‘Women in their Element’ opens the door to the stories often forgotten or unstudied of how women shaped the Periodic Table and Chemistry as a whole. Coinciding both with the International year of the Periodic Table, and with a growing shift in attitudes in academia and in society over the role of women, the book provides its readers with a journey across time and challenges the stories we thought we knew. It moreover includes a preface by EuChemS President Pilar Goya, and IUPAC Past-President Natalia Tarasova. You can find out more about the book here.
Bulgaria’s Mariya Gabriel nominated as Commissioner for research, innovation and education
Under the title ‘Innovation and Youth’, Bulgaria’s Mariya Gabriel will take charge of a portfolio that covers research, innovation, education and sports, and which will include overseeing Horizon Europe, the future funding programme as well as the Erasmus+ programme. Whilst not a newcomer to EU politics – Gabriel was the previous Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, the large number of programmes and areas she will work on may prove challenging. Some organisations have also questioned the lack of the words ‘research’ or ‘science’ featuring in the job title, but others have pointed to the logical link with education. The appointment, announced by the recently elected European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, will still need to be approved by the European parliament. Read more about the story here.
EuChemS responds to European Commission’s consultation on Horizon Europe Co-design 2021-2024
Following a provisional agreement by the European Parliament and the Council on the Horizon Europe package, the European Commission launched a ‘co-design’ consultation which intends to foster greater debate and encourage feedback from a variety of stakeholders and from citizens. The feedback received will be used to evaluate how Horizon Europe can better be targeted and what the future investment priorities should be.
EuChemS’ response to the consultation emphasises that Horizon Europe should continue to support excellence and international collaboration in order to best benefit Europe’s science and innovation base. Excellent discovery research is a vital component of a successful research and innovation sector and should remain a key focus of Horizon Europe’s Excellent Science pillar through instruments such as the European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. EuChemS has moreover underlined that need to enable broad third country participation to preserve and enhance international collaboration, just as has been successfully done in previous framework programmes.
Finally, EuChemS urges the EU and other international programmes to align in order to tackle the global challenges that we face. The overlap of the European Commission’s proposal for ‘Missions’ with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals illustrates the way international collaboration and alignment can help achieve progress on tackling today’s global challenges.