Read it here! Some of the highlights are:
- Shadowing a MEP
- Invitation to ECC6 in Sevilla
- EYCN at ECC6
Read it here! Some of the highlights are:
Discover all about our activities here
Seville, Spain
11 – 15 September 2016
Brussels, Belgium
28 April 2016
Registration will soon be announced at
The European Young Chemist Award 2016 is intended to showcase and recognise the excellent research being carried out by young scientists working in the chemical sciences and will be presented at the 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress to be held in Seville from 11-15 September 2016. It will follow the 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 European Young Chemist Awards held in Budapest, Torino, Nürnberg, Prague and Istanbul during the previous editions of the European Chemistry Congresses.
EYCA’s award was inititated by the Italian Chemical Society (SCI), the Consiglio Nazionale dei Chimici (CNC) who also organise it this year with the collaboration of t
Applicants must submit the following items by e-mail to by 1 April 2016 in order to be considered for the award.Application information.
City of Guimarães – Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Portugal
26th to 29th April 2016
The Young Chemists Group of the Portuguese Chemistry Society, the 3B’s Research Group and the Chemistry Department at the University of Minho are pleased to announce the 5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (5th PYCheM) and 1st European Young Chemists Meeting (1st EYCheM), which will take place in the historical and beautiful city of Guimarães – Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Portugal, from 26th to 29th April 2016.
This joint event will bring together for the first time young chemists from all over the Europe, in a high quality scientific program covering most recent research in the different areas of chemistry (organic, inorganic, analytical, etc.) and at the interface of chemistry and other scientific fields (biology, medicine, nanotechnology, etc.).
By attending to this meeting you will be able to present your results as a poster or oral presentation to a broad audience of chemists and professionals in chemical sciences. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers and interact with experienced professionals from academia and industry. Prizes will be awarded to the best oral and poster communications given by a young chemist.
Atrium, Medical Faculty – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Van der Boechorststraat 2, 1081 BT Amsterdam
5th April, 2016
Chaired by David Cole-Hamilton
10:30 Coffee and Registration
11:00 Welcome and Setting the Scene – David Cole-Hamilton, EuCheMS President
11:10 A Learned Society’s View on Scholarly Publishing in Chemistry – Wolfram Koch, GDCh
11:25 Open Access Publishing in Chemistry: A perspective from the Royal Society of Chemistry – Emma Wilson, Royal Society of Chemistry
11:40 Digital Single Market and Open Science – José Cotta, DG Connect, European Commission
11:55 Open Access Challenges for a Young Researcher – Cristina Todasca, University Politehnica of Bucharest
12:10 Flooding Without Drowning / Are Scientists Drowning in a Flood of Papers and Data? – Eva Wille, Wiley-VCH
12:25 Closer to Open with Springer – Steffen Pauly, Springer
12:40 Panel Discussion
13:10 Conclusions and Closing Remarks – David Cole-Hamilton, EuCheMS President
13:20 Light Buffet Lunch
This event will look into the present and future of intellectual property boundaries in chemistry research and will debate questions such as:
Together with researchers, publishers, and EU and government officials we hope to build bridges between all concerned and to provide answers to questions.
For more information please contact secretariat(at)