ERC consolidator grants open call

ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support scientists wishing to consolidate their own independent research team or programme in Europe. The ERC Consolidator Grants opened for researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of experience since completion of PhD. Applications can be made in any field of research.

Deadline: 04 February 2020

Check here for more information

EuChemS Chemistry Congress fellowship scheme

The aim of this grant is to support early career researchers (bachelor, masters and PhD student) actively attending the EuChemS Chemistry Congresses. Eligible candidates are those whose abstract submitted to an ECC has been accepted as a poster or oral presentation of any type.

Grantees will be selected on a random basis, provided that they fit conditions for applying. The selection has to ensure equal representation of men and women, as well as take into account geographic distribution.

Deadline for submitting applications: 31 May 2020.

You can submit your application here.



ERC welcomes its new President

Professor Mauro Ferrari took up the presidency from Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, whose mandate lasted from January 2014 to December 2019. After his election in May 14, 2019, Professor Mauro Ferrari put forward his multidisciplinary background, a precious asset that will help him build strong relationships with scientists from the many disciplines the ERC covers.  The new ERC President has several tasks ahead of him, among them is  the implementation of the programme Horizon Europe. M. Ferrari’s term will last until December 31, 2023.

EuChemS congratulates Professor Mauro Ferrari on his position as the new ERC President and wishes him all the very best in his endeavors.

You can listen to the message of the new ERC president, Prof. Mauro Ferrari, on the European Research Council Youtube channel.

Impact of Brexit on research in Europe

Brexit is not without consequences on European research. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Education, Research, Innovation and Youth, declared that the UK entry into Horizon Europe programme will be the same as non-EU countries. Currently, UK is the second-biggest beneficiary of funding from Horizon 2020.

On January 9, the UK parliament rejected a proposal that would have launched negotiations for UK membership within the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.

The UK will exit the EU on January 31 and enter a transition period of 11 months, until December 31, 2020. After this date, the UK will officially leave the EU.

European Green Deal

The European Green Deal is taking shape. During her first speech as the new Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen reaffirmed her determination to implement the European Green Deal, achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions on the continent by 2050.

The European Commission released on their website a page giving key insights into understanding the European Green Deal. It will cover many policies areas, from energy to biodiversity. Among them, ‘eliminating pollution’ addresses the use of chemicals in Europe. In this regard, the EU Commission plans to discuss a new strategy: the aim will be to implement new innovative solutions without dangerous chemicals in order to reach a toxic-free environment.

You can read more about it here.







Croatia takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union

On 1 January 2020, Croatia has officially taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union from Finland. “A Europe that develops, a Europe that connects, a Europe that protects, an influential Europe’’, this is how Croatia wants to shape Europe for the first semester of 2020. Albeit positioning Europe as a global leader will be a priority for Croatia during its 6-months presidency, the country will give top priority to science and sustainable development.

On its strategic agenda, Croatia announced supporting the European Green Deal. The country also addresses the issue of European research fragmentation, especially brain drain. Although talented researchers are equally distributed on the continent, the opportunities are not, as brains tend to leave central and Eastern Europe for Western Europe. Among the main topics at stake, Croatia will launch discussions on reforms and investments in education. The mobility of the Erasmus+ programme, for which proposals to increase its funding are currently discussed, will also be examined during these 6 months.

For more information, you can visit the Croatian presidency of the Council of the European Union website.

New at EuChemS Executive Board

On 1 January 2020, Professor Floris Rutjes (Royal Netherlands Chemical Society) took up the position of Vice-President of EuChemS and Dr Ioannis Katsoyiannis (Association of Greek Chemists) and Professor Rinaldo Poli (French Chemical Society) joined as new elected members.

The three new members of EuChemS Executive Board who were elected at the General Assembly in Bucharest in October last year are warmly welcome.

You can consult EuChemS Executive Board here.

EuChemS is 50 years old

While the New Year represents the beginning of a new decade for everyone, 2020 is a very special year for EuchemS: Chemistry in Europe is celebrating its 50 years anniversary.

Active since 1970, EuChemS evolved over time. The organisation was established on 3 July 1970 in Prague by 17 Member Societies from both East and West Europe, under the initial name of FECS (Federation of European Chemical Societies). In 2004, FECS decided to adopt EuCheMS, the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences designation, with its headquarters in Brussels. In 2018, a new name, acronym and logo was adopted: EuChemS, the European Chemical Society.

Since 1970, many events from FECS/EuChemS shaped Chemistry in Europe. Today, EuChemS represents more than 160,000 chemists from 50 Member Societies and Supporting Members.

For this anniversary, EuChemS plan a year-loncelebration. Among events and initiatives planned, the most prominent one will be the main anniversary celebration that will take place in Prague on 3 July 2020. The choice of the city and date was not trivial, as it echoes the founding of the association in 1970.

More activities and events are yet to be announced during this year-long celebration. Stay up to date and folow us on EuChemS social media not to miss out on any news.


We take this opportunity to thank our community and members for the last half century of excellent scientific cooperation and enhancement of Chemistry initiatives all over the European continent and beyond.