On 7 September 2020, European Research Council (ERC) President, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, addressed the European Parliament ITRE Committee (Industry, Research and Energy) on the Future of EU R&I and the long-term EU budget.
The ERC President pointed out the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the reprioritization of the EU political agenda that ensued. In his regard, he highlighted the necessity to focus on long-term actions to tackle the crisis.
“What the pandemic has proved is the importance of preparedness built over the long term. It has also shown the reactivity and flexibility of researchers was key to get us through the pandemic.”
– ERC President, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Speech given at the EP before the ITRE Committee
7 September 2020
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon expressed vividly the global disappointment of the scientific community concerning the cuts that had been made to the budget of the next research and innovation framework programme, Horizon Europe. The ERC President asked the European Parliament to reconsider the budget allocated to EU Research for Horizon Europe.
“For the ERC budget, the absolute minimum is €14.7 billion in 2018 prices (€16.6 billion in current prices) that was the 2018 European Commission proposal for Horizon Europe for the ERC representing 17.64% of the total budget of the programme. It barely guarantees €2 billion a year to the ERC. It is far from the ambition of the ERC founders had for it to represent 5% of national funding. A minimal interpretation of it would mean that, in Horizon Europe, the ERC receives €17.7 billion in 2018 prices (€19.9 billion in current prices), a legitimately ambitious goal.”
– ERC President, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Speech given at the EP before the ITRE Committee
7 September 2020
– ERC News, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon’s speech: https://erc.europa.eu/news/hearing-itre-european-parliament
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