Tuesday, 29 September 2020, online event (Zoom meeting)
More information: https://www.euchems.eu/events/professional-networks-annual-meeting/
Tuesday, 29 September 2020, online event (Zoom meeting)
More information: https://www.euchems.eu/events/professional-networks-annual-meeting/
Thursday, 24 September 2020, online event (Zoom webinar)
More information: https://www.euchems.eu/events/2020-general-assembly/
20-23 September 2020, online event, free registration
More information: https://www.euchems.eu/events/austrian-young-chemists-summit-yc-summit/ and YC Summit
16-18 September 2020, Vukovar (Croatia)
More information: https://www.euchems.eu/events/18th-ruzicka-days-today-science-tomorrow-industry/ and http://www.ruzickadays.eu/index_en.html
Currently two calls are open:
Currently, two calls are open:
Career development is also possible through public funding linked to ERC projects, even if you do not receive an ERC Grant. Read more here about these additional opportunities!
Researchers from anywhere in the world can apply for ERC grants provided the research they undertake will be carried out in an EU Member State or Associated Country. Read more about the opportunities for non-European researchers!
Several consultations put forward by the European Commission are currently open, and listed below are some of them:
Deadline: 28 August 2020
Deadline: 8 September 2020
Deadline: 21 September 2020
The European Award Committee for the EuChemS-EYCN Award (EYCAC) has selected finalists for the Early Career Researcher level and the PhD level, in recognition of the exceptional research in various fields of chemical sciences. Read the full list of the finalists here!
The winners will be selected on 26 August 2020, during an online event e-YCN@ECC (organised by the European Young Chemists’ Network – EYCN) where the finalists will present their research results. For both PhD level and the Early Career Researcher level, two awardees will be selected: one Gold Medal and one Silver Medal.
If you want to attend the e-YCN@ECC online event on 25-26 August 2020, and listen to the lectures of the EYCA finalists, as well as join many different workshops covering various topics from grant writing and career orientation to science communication, please register here!
Each year, EuChemS has an open call for a Historical Landmark Award, to recognise various sights of cultural heritage that are significant for the history of Chemistry. As some European countries already have a national landmark programme, two levels of EuChemS Historical Landmarks are foreseen: European (for major initiatives that have impact at the European level) and regional (for local initiatives significant for a particular region).
This year, the European level award goes to the Mines of Almaden in Spain, an exemplary historic mining site producing mercury, while the regional level award was given to Edessa Cannabis Factory Museum in Greece, which used to be a standard industrial unit, making ropes and twine from Indian hemp.
The call for 2020 EuChemS Historical Landmarks Award nominations will open in September, please follow this page for more information.
Annual meeting of EuChemS Professional Networks
29 September 2020, Online
Website: euchems.eu
Austrian Young Chemists Summit – YC Summit
20 – 23 September 2020, Online event
More info available here.
18th Ružička days – “Today science – tomorrow industry”
16 – 18 September 2020, Vukovar Croatia
More info available here.
Currently two calls are open:
Currently, two calls are open:
A number of consultations put forward by the European Commission are currently open, and listed below are some of them:
On 14 July, Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) asked European leaders for an increase of the Horizon Europe budget in general and a specific allocation of additional 5Bn€ to Pillar I.
This statement is published following the cut of 5Bn€ of the Horizon Europe budget for 2021-2027, proposed by Charles Michel, President of the EU Council. This cut would be added to a budget that has already been reduced several times: the EU Commission proposed 94.1Bn€ in June 2018 and 85Bn€ were being discussed in May 2020.
You can read the statement here.
The mentoring programme Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW) was held online from 29 June to 2 July 2020. This programme supports the development and implementation of open educational resources (OER). The projects of the OE4BW mentoring programme address topics in relation with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Mentees are enrolled worldwide for this purpose. In 2020, they benefited from the guidance of 84 mentors, who helped the mentees to find solutions and foster OER. The mentoring programme supported 82 projects.
Online workshops were held for 4 consecutive days, covering a wide range of topics, such as inclusive education, natural and applied science, art and society, as well as peace and justice.
On Tuesday 30 June, a special Workshop was held on Open Resources for SDG7. Experts shared their views on how to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy. The programme of this session was the following:
This session was preceded by an introductory panel during which OE4BW chairs welcomed the speakers and the participants. Then, the experts panel session was followed by pitch presentations of projects, developed in the SDG7 hub of the OE4BW 2019/2020, and a discussion.
The mentoring programme has been active since 2018 and was founded by the University of Nova Gorica and the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Learning at the Jožef Stefan Institute.
You can watch the webinars held during OE4BW here.
EuChemS is very active concerning the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) which were established in 2015. In 2017, “Future-Oriented Chemistry” side event was co-organised by EuChemS at the EU Pavilion of the United Nations Climate Change conference (COP23). In 2018, a workshop was organised on the topic of SDGs at the 7th EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Liverpool. Finally, in 2019, EuChemS, together with the American Chemical Society (ACS), signed the Joint Framework Agreement on the UN SDGs in Paris, France.
On 6 July 2020, the European Commission opened a roadmap on ‘the future of the European Research Area (communication)’: feedback and ideas can be submitted until 3 August. The aim of this initiative is to reboot the European Research Area (ERA) policy, in order to enhance research and innovation within the poorer region of the European Union, from September 2020 onwards.
ERA is a system of scientific research programmes. It enables free circulation of researchers, science, and technology by integrating the scientific resources of the European Union. The original ERA plan was launched in 2000, and the main goal (member states had to increase to 3% their GDP investment in Research and Development) was not reached.
The European Chemical Society, EuChemS, together with DFG, launched the “Solar-Driven Chemistry” white paper at the 6th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC6) in September 2016. This initiative is built on ERA’s priorities to ‘optimal circulation, access to and transfer of scientific knowledge including knowledge circulation and open access’.
Read more about it here.
The European Chemical Society attended the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) online meeting of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in June which addressed several pressing issues. Significant topics were discussed, including microplastics restrictions.
On 10 June 2020, after 15 months of joint work together with Member State representatives, ECHA’s Committee on Risk Assessment (RAC) reached a final opinion on microplastics restriction and supports restricting the use of intentionally added microplastics in EU/EEA products, in concentrations of more than 0.01% by weight.
“microplastic” means particles containing solid polymer, to which additives or other substances may have been added, and where ≥ 1% w/w of particles have (i) all dimensions ≤ 5mm, or (ii), for fibers, a length of ≤ 15mm and length to diameter ratio of >3
Comments received through public consultations were considered, as well as a complex evaluation on the derogation of biodegradable polymers with an examination on biodegradability tests and the evaluation of applications, such as infill material on synthetic sports turf pitches).
Since the risk assessment of microplastic is complicated by current uncertainties in relation to hazards, fate, exposure and risks, further research will be needed to address all the identified uncertainties.
More info available here.
The RAC has also adopted its opinion on ECHA’s proposal on the recommendation for a BGV (Biological Guidance Value) for lead and its compounds.
EuChemS is an official accredited stakeholder of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Learn more about it here.
On 19 June, the European Parliament announced having set up special and inquiry committees and a permanent subcommittee. Among them, the new special committee on beating cancer will implement concrete actions in order to prevent and fight cancer. The tasks of this special committee will also be to identify legislation and other measures to deal with cancer, as well as finding solutions to support scientific research in this area. The creation of this Committee is a follow-up to the European Commission Public Consultation on ‘Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’.
Furthermore, the European Parliament also implemented a special committee on artificial intelligence (AI). Its aim will be to study the impact and challenges of rolling out AI. It will also propose a roadmap with objectives to guide the European Union in AI and its related field.
These two special committees are composed of 33 MEPs each, and will both be set up for one year. The Chairs and Vice-chairs will be decided and announced in September 2020.
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