Public Consultation Investigating Options for Reducing Releases to the Environment of Microplastics

The European Commission is launching this consultation to collect the views of stakeholders and citizens with regard to the policy options to reduce microplastics entering the marine environment. The objectives of the consultation are 1) to inform stakeholders and to enable their input on the concern around microplastics emissions and possible options for reduction; and 2) to gather information and data that cannot be found through desk research and additional sources of evidence as regards to the sources and policy options for the reduction of microplastics emissions.

Deadline: 26 October 2017


Inception Impact Assessment: Commission Delegated Regulation establishing the Innovation Fund

The initiative should mobilize the development and implementation of low-carbon investments demonstrating innovative technologies in the relevant sectors while ensuring the effective use of public funds and crowding-in additional public and private resources; offer effective and attractive financing products fitting the market needs and risk profiles; and provide for an effective operational structure with limited administrative burden.

Deadline: 21 July 2017
