Public Consultation: Guidance on The Risk Assessment of GMO at Low Level

EFSA has launched a public consultation on a draft guidance document on the risk assessment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) present at low levels in food and feed material and not intended for import into the European Union. The presence of a GMO at a maximum of 0.9% per ingredient in any food and/or feed can be the unintentional result of unavoidable technical circumstances. The guidance document refers to genetically modified plants only.
Deadline: 13 June 2017

Roadmap: Strategic Approach to Pharmaceuticals in the Environment

The main objectives of the initiative, a European Commission communication foreseen for 2018, will be to 1) identify remaining knowledge gaps and uncertainties, and present possible solutions for filling them; and 2) explore how to address the challenge to protect the environment (and human health via the environment) and at the same time safeguard access to effective and appropriate pharmaceutical treatments for human patients and animals, considering inter alia the opportunities for innovation. The strategic approach will aim to address pharmaceuticals in the environment generally (water, soils). It could include policy options relating to a number of different areas, given that emissions of pharmaceutical substances to the environment occur during their whole lifecycle, i.e. from production through consumption to disposal. Existing legislation already provides a fairly comprehensive framework, but it might be appropriate to consider its effectiveness in relation to this specific issue. EuCheMS recently debated these issues at the workshop From Waste to Health.


Chemical Products with Old Labels Off the Shelves By 1 June 2017

From 1 June 2017, all chemical products placed on the market have to be labelled in accordance with the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation. This marks the end of the transitional period for labelling mixtures. Companies which still have products on the shelves with labels following the requirements of the previous legislation, must now make sure that the products are either no longer placed on the market, or re-classified and re-labelled in accordance with CLP. The purpose of the classification and labelling of hazardous chemicals is to ensure a high level of protection of health and the environment, as well as the free movement of substances, mixtures and articles. It is based on the Globally Harmonised System, agreed in the UN.


New Guide on Biosimilar Medicines for Healthcare Professionals

New Guide on Biosimilar Medicines for Healthcare Professionals The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Commission have published an information guide for healthcare professionals on biosimilar medicines. Biosimilars are biological medicines that are highly similar in all essential aspects to a biological medicine that has already been authorised. The objective of the guide is to provide healthcare professionals with reference information on both the science and regulation underpinning the use of biosimilars.


More than 1 300 Master Students to Benefit from Erasmus Mundus Scholarships in 2017

1 345 students from all over the world have just received the good news that they have been awarded an EU-funded scholarship to begin studying for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree this autumn. These scholarships will cover all the costs of their study programmes which will take them to two or more higher education institutions in pursuit of a joint or double Master’s degree. Most programmes last two years. The 100 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programmes offering EU scholarships in 2017 cover a wide range of subjects, namely chemistry with masters on  Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry; Chemical Innovation and Regulation;  Excellence in Analytical Chemistry; among other.


EUA Public Funding Observatory Monitoring Tool

The European University Association (EUA) has been monitoring the evolution of public funding to higher education institutions and the impact of the economic crisis on higher education systems in Europe since its onset in 2008 and has published several reports. The EUA Public Funding Observatory interactive online tool gives user the opportunity to look at the data and the developments over years in a customised way. The monitoring is conducted in close cooperation with EUA’s collective members, the National Rectors’ Conferences, who report on developments within their national higher education systems on a regular basis.


Scientific Guidance to Help Prevent and Mitigate Chemical Accidents

A handbook published by the European Commission´s Joint Research Centre (JRC) supports EU Member States and third countries in their decisions to reduce the impacts of major industrial accidents in accordance with EU regulations. It provides common reference scenarios for authorities to assess the risks associated with industrial sites where dangerous substances are present, taking into account their proximity to residential areas, transport infrastructure or other public spaces.


Open Access of Scientific Publications and Research Data Under ERC

The European Research Council (ERC) has recently published the Guidelines on the Implementation of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in projects supported by the ERC under Horizon 2020. Under Horizon 2020, beneficiaries of ERC grants must ensure open access, meaning free of charge with online access for any user, to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to its results. Regarding the research data, beneficiaries of ERC grants funded under the Work Programme 2016 may opt – in, on an individual and voluntary basis, to the Horizon 2020 Pilot on Open Research Data in order to facilitate access, re-use and preservation of research data generated during their research work. Details can be found on the link below.


EMA 2016 Annual Report Published

The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) 2016 annual report, published earlier this month, focuses on the Agency’s key achievements in the areas of medicine evaluation, support to research and development of new and innovative treatments and the safety monitoring of medicines in real life. According to the report, the Agency recommended a marketing authorisation for 81 medicines for human use, including 27 new active substances. Also highlighted was EMA’s contribution to addressing public health challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, a key issue on which EuCheMS published some recommendations.


Index of Urban Water in Europe

This Urban Water Atlas for Europe is a composite index, developed by KWR Watercycle Research Institute, that displays 25 indicators related to water, waste and climate change in one infographic, summarising at a glance how well a city currently manages its urban water resources. The atlas includes indicators such as water quality, nutrient recovery, or solid waste recovery, fields in which chemistry plays a crucial role in providing quality assurance and recovery/recycling methods. According to Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, “Water scarcity affects more than 10 percent of Europe’s population. To foster innovative water management and its public acceptance, scientific and technological knowledge must be accessible for all.”


Pesticide Residues in Food

According to the 2015 European Union Report on Pesticide Residues in Food published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the food consumed in the European Union continues to be largely free of pesticide residues or to contain residues that fall within legal limits. The report, based on the analysis of 84,341 samples for 774 pesticides, reveals that more than 97% of food samples collected across the EU in 2015 were within legal limits, with just over 53% free of quantifiable residues. These figures are in line with those recorded in 2014.
