Deadline: 15 September
REFIT Evaluation of Directive 2009/126/ on Stage II Petrol Vapour Recovery During Refuelling of Motor Vehicles at Service Stations (VOC–II)
The objective of this evaluation is to assess the actual performance of VOC – II compared to initial expectations. Particular emphasis shall be placed on: assessing the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of the Directive; the detection and assessment of regulatory burden and identifying opportunities for simplification in the Directive. The evaluation shall consider the broader context by taking into account aspects of wider coherence with other legislation addressing VOC and formation of tropospheric ozone. Furthermore, technical developments and relevant legislation in other countries shall be reflected. The scope of the evaluation covers all aspects of VOC – II and assesses its impact since it entered into force and cover the whole European Union.
Consultation on the Preparation of Legislation On Monitoring / Reporting of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions
The European Commission is launching this consultation to collect the views of stakeholders and citizens with regard to the preparation of legislation on monitoring and reporting of Heavy-Duty Vehicle fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
Deadline: 28 October 2016
Evaluation of the Youth Policy Cooperation in the EU
This consultation is about how European Union (EU) countries work together on policy for young people. The Commission wants to find out how useful and effective citizens think EU youth policy is.
Deadline: 16 October 2016
Public Consultation on the Guidance on the Use of the Benchmark Dose Approach in Risk Assessment
EFSA’s Scientific Committee has launched an open consultation on a draft update of its guidance on the use of the benchmark dose (BMD) approach in risk assessment. This update confirms that the BMD approach is a scientifically more advanced method compared to the NOAEL approach for deriving a Reference Point (RP), and therefore recommends that the BMD approach, and more specifically model averaging, is used for deriving a Reference Point from the critical dose-response data to establish health-based guidance values and margins of exposure.
Deadline: 20 September 2016
New Layout for EMA Scientific Guidelines
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has improved its scientific guidelines for human and veterinary medicines on its website. EMA’s scientific guidelines help medicine developers prepare market authorisation applications for human and veterinary medicines. They provide advice to applicants, national competent authorities and other interested parties on the best or most appropriate ways to fulfil the obligations set out in European Union (EU) pharmaceutical legislation.
Reporting on the Role of EIT
The European Commission has published the report “Opportunity now: Europe’s mission to innovate “, that looks at how best to position Europe as a global pro-innovation actor. The report highlights that the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) “offers real added-value” and “inspires highly productive interaction between innovation hubs, stakeholders, start-ups and scale-ups. Thanks to this effective and constructive relationship, access to talent, knowledge and markets and support for new innovative business ventures is continuously fostered by the EIT and its Knowledge and Innovation Communities.” To date, the EIT Community has developed more than 900 business ideas and 200 innovative start-ups in the areas of climate, digitalisation, energy, health and raw materials.
Promoting Scientific Culture Among Young People
The 2016 edition of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS2016) is taking place already next month, 15-20 September, in Brussels. EUCYS, where EuCheMS participates by delivering a special award for chemistry, is an initiative of the European Commission set up to promote the ideals of co-operation and interchange between young scientists. The Contest is the annual showcase of the best of European student scientific achievement. The young scientists also have the chance to meet others with similar abilities and interests and to be guided by some of the most prominent scientists in Europe.
European Commission appoints four new EIT Governing Board members
The European Commission recently appointed four new members to the Governing Board of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in Budapest.
The EIT Governing Board is the principal governing body of the EIT and is entrusted with the role of strategic leadership and the overall direction of the operational activities implemented by the EIT Headquarters. The Governing Board is independent and autonomous in its decision-making and is responsible for the selection, evaluation and support of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).
The Impact of ERC Funding
An independent pilot study, released at the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) last month, demonstrates that bottom -up research funded by the European Research Council (ERC) has already had major impacts. Over 70% of projects evaluated in the report have made scientific breakthroughs or major advances. The study concludes that the ERC invests in truly high-risk/high-gain research and that it also contributes significantly to the economy and society at large. The Report also states that the ERC grants also have a very positive effect on researchers’ careers.
Bratislava Declaration of Young Researchers
The Bratislava Declaration of Young Researchers was presented at a press conference in Slovakia on 19 July following an informal meeting of the EU Competitiveness Council of research and innovation ministers. A declaration calling on the European Commission to “radically reorganise funding streams” for young researchers has been welcomed by the research commissioner Carlos Moedas. The declaration calls on the Commission to create “sustainable and effective” funding streams for early-career researchers, regardless of their age and including students, to autonomously pursue their research ideas. “Would any of our current systems have funded a young Einstein or a Marie Sklodowska-Curie?” the declaration asks.
More Clean-Energy Innovation is Needed
The use of fossil fuels across the European Union continues to decline due in part to increased consumption of renewable energy sources like wind, solar and biomass, according to a report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The report, which assesses progress on the use of renewable energy, found that clean energy technologies, where chemistry plays a major role, are an important driving force in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and in creating employment in Europe. Among other points, the report states that public funding in research and development of new renewable energy sources has increased between 2005 and 2013 but at a slower pace than before, posing a risk of missing the break-through technologies of tomorrow. The International Energy Agency has recommended the tripling of current public research and development spending on clean-energy innovation.
State of Play of Raw Materials in the EU
Last month, the European Commission published a Raw Materials Scoreboard that assesses the status of the EU’s raw material sector, pinpoints the challenges and opportunities linked to it and highlights the importance of raw materials to the EU economy, including to its jobs and growth. The EU economy requires a wide variety of raw materials and not all of them are naturally available in Europe. The EU is highly dependent on imports of certain raw materials, including metals, certain minerals and natural rubber. The rising demand for raw materials, the concentration of the world’s supply and global price volatility have significant consequences for the EU’s security of supply. As mentioned at the EuCheMS-European Parliament Workshop on raw materials, an answer to this issue will surely include the creation of innovative eco-friendly substitute materials by chemistry.
Dieselgate: Hearings and Draft Report
Last month, Members of European Parliament unanimously approved an interim report, summarising the committee’s activities so far and outlining its work programme for the second half of its one-year mandate. The report is to be debated by Parliament as a whole on 13 September in Strasbourg. The MEPs also conducted hearings where constructors stated that the EU needs a common definition of “normal car use” and that diesel engine NOx emissions are the price paid to hit lower CO2 targets. The hearings took place at the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector (EMIS), whose work will be resumed after the summer break.
The Most Innovative in the EU?
The European Commission has recently released a report with the 2016 results of the European Innovation Scoreboard, the Regional Innovation Scoreboard and the Innobarometer. According to this report, Sweden is once more the EU innovation leader, followed by Denmark, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands. Regarding the fastest growing innovators, these are Latvia, Malta, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK. The report highlights that the key driver of becoming an innovation leader is to adopt a balanced innovation system combining an appropriate level of public and private investment, effective innovation partnerships among companies and with academia, as well as a strong educational basis and excellent research.
R&I Challenges and Developments Across the EU
The European Commission’s Research and Innovation Observatory (RIO) has published the second edition of the RIO country reports, which assess the evolution of national research and innovation systems and identify key challenges.
These country reports provide a wealth of knowledge by detailing the policy developments in the R&I area at national level, analysing the level of public and private funding for R&D, assessing the quality of the science base and the level of implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) priorities, describing the framework conditions for research and innovation (R&I) and the links between industry and academia.
H2020 Priorities for 2017
Later in July, the European Commission confirmed the calls and other actions of the second year of the two-year work programmes setting out Horizon 2020 funding opportunities for 2017. The Work Programme for 2017 will have a stronger focus on Open Science, making open research data the default setting for H2020 projects; it will also focus on circular economy; personalised medicine; and on pan-European research infrastructures
The calls and other actions under the current work programme updates have a budget of €8.5 billion.
A Roadmap on Catalysis for Europe
The European Cluster on Catalysis has recently published the Roadmap on Catalysis for Europe, a roadmap to which EuCheMS as well as two of its Members, ENMIX and ERIC, contributed.
The European Cluster on Catalysis was launched by the European Commission and gathers EU-founded projects in the field of catalysis, organisations and institutions as well as industrial and other relevant stakeholders in catalysis at EU level.
The term catalysis encompasses in this particular framework different typologies and declinations of catalysis: heterogeneous, homogeneous, photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, biocatalysis and others as well as the corresponding technologies, such as CO2 utilisation, artificial photosynthesis, biogenic materials, water technologies.
EuCheMS General Assembly Meetings
EuCheMS 2016 General Assembly will take place on 10 – 11 September 2016 in Sevilla, Spain, and will be followed by a meeting of the Chairs of EuCheMS Professional Networks, and meetings of EuCheMS´ Executive Board. The General Assembly, the governing body of EuCheMS composed of representatives from each of the Member Societies and Supporting Members, meets annually and defines the general policy of EuCheMS.
Ready for the Biggest Chemistry Event in Europe?
Pack both your lab goggles and sunglasses, the 6th European Chemistry Congress (ECC6) is taking place already next month in Seville, Spain. One of the biggest gatherings of chemistry in the world, ECC6 will present and discuss the newest scientific ideas while looking into how can these have a positive impact in our lives. With a rich scientific programme, counting, for instance, with plenary lectures from Nobel Prizes, ECC6 is not only for chemists, as it will also open its doors to the general public, schools, friends and families with – among other – theatre sessions showcasing the relevance of chemistry to society. Make sure you follow us on twitter and facebook for all the latest ECC6 updates!

EuCheMS 2015 Year Book is Now Online!
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Thank You Chemistry
The 3rd International Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering and Life Science
Nishi, Japan
2 – 4 August 2016
ESOF 2016
Manchester, UK
23 – 27 July 2016
IASOC 2016 – XVII Session of Ischia Advanced School of Organic Chemistry
Naples, Italy
25 – 29 September 2016