Chemistry in Europe (CiE) is the EuChemS quarterly newsletter mainly intended for an audience of chemists. Its objective is to inform the community about research in Europe, to provide updates from EuChemS Member Organisations, and to investigate the latest policy-related developments.
Editorial Board:
Liva Dzene, Pilar Goya, Nineta Hrastelj (Editor in Chief), Laura Jousset (Coordinator), Márton Kottmayer, Anna Robinson, Floris Rutjes, Victoria Samanidou, Karin Schmitz, Sanjiv Prashar, Cristina Todaşcă.
Copyright Notice
Chemistry in Europe is published by EuChemS under a Creative Commons license. EuChemS permits others to copy, distribute or display this content if EuChemS is referred as its sources.
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