
ECC8 in Lisbon: Chemistry, the Central Science

The European Chemical Society and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Química organises the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (ECC8) in Lisbon from 28 August until 1 September 2022. The conference, first scheduled in 2020, and postponed to 2022 because of the pandemic situation, wishes to continue a tradition of excellence in chemistry in Europe, started in Budapest in 2006.

With the theme “Chemistry the Central Science”, the congress aims to emphasize the central role of chemistry at the interfaces with biology, material and environmental sciences, both for the progress of humanity and for the solution of important problems that our society is facing. The discussions on different aspects of the chemical sciences will take place over five days filled with plenary lectures, oral and poster communications, and many activities that should stimulate interactions, imagination, and promote knowledge in the broadest context possible. Besides the parallel sessions, on different themes spanning from organic chemistry to catalysis, from metal containing systems to spectroscopy and solid state, from colloids to materials and medicinal chemistry, this edition has introduced three transversal topics: Molecules in Motion, Energy, Environment and Sustainability and Imaging that will be tackled from different aspects.

In addition, young scientist sessions with oral talks will show the new emerging directions and exciting lunch tutorials at the interface with art, cinema and astronomy will further contribute to the spread of science and fun.

The conference will open with the European Chemistry Gold Medal award ceremony, to recognize the achievement of two scientists working in the field of chemistry in Europe. Dame Carol Robinson and Michele Parrinello were selected as recipients of the 2022 and the 2020 awards, respectively.

At the closing session, several awards will be presented, such as the one from the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh; German Chemical Society).

The presence of more than 25 countries and an excellent gender balance reflects that science has no barriers, and it speaks a single language that everyone can understand and use to communicate, like music.

And I believe that we all hope that science can bring peace and we look forward to the EuChemS conference in a Europe and in a world with no war.

Louisa De Cola
Chair of the ECC8 Scientific Committee


Lisbon to host EuChemS annual meetings

In addition to the ECC8, the 2022 EuChemS General Assembly meeting, and the annual professional networks meeting will be held in Lisbon as well, on the days preceding the congress. We invite you to read the details about the EuChemS annual meetings and access the registration forms here.

EuChemS workshop on the Nitrogen Element

EuChems organised its third workshop of the ‘periodic table’ series, this time focusing on the nitrogen element. In the workshop, titled “The Nitrogen Element – Sustainable food production?”, experts from a wide range of areas discussed the role and future of nitrogen use in agriculture.

You are invited to read the details of the event here, and to watch the recording of the event on our YouTube channel!

EuChemS Secretariat

The PDF version will be available soon.