On 8 September, the Commission published the third Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a regular reporting tool designed to improve the implementation of EU environmental laws and policies. This tool contains defined common trends at EU level and shows information on the state of play in the implementation of EU environmental law, based on 27 individual countries.
The state of play in main environmental policy, according to the Review, shows that the biodiversity continues to decline due to the poor habitat conditions. In addition water management progresses slowly, mostly due to River Basin Management Plans, flood risk management, the implementation of rules for drinking water and urban wastewater management. Finally, the state of Circular economy and air quality also leaves room for improvement.
While overall climate legislation shows a good level of implementation, more intensive efforts, and agreements are needed to implement the package of measures required for meeting the -55% target established in the Climate Law for 2030.
The need for investments across the environmental objectives and priorities are vast and many Member States have to ensure better financing and implementation of enablers. For this, adapting and reinforcing Member States’ administrative capacities to implement the environmental governance is critical.
Since 2017, the EIR works alongside the Commission to support Member States to better apply the EIR agreed rules. Furthermore, the Commission can take legal action if the agreed rules aren’t properly implemented.