We hope you are as excited as we with the upcoming EuChemS Chemistry Congress 2018! Our 7th Congress (the first having been held in Budapest back in 2006) is sure to make a splash in the world of Chemistry. The EuChemS Chemistry Congresses reflect the outstanding research being done in Europe and around the world by bringing together chemists from different countries and professional backgrounds to exchange ideas, advance knowledge and discuss key issues for chemistry and society. With a theme of ‘Molecular frontiers and global challenges’, the scope and scale of the 2018 congress means that there will be abundant opportunities to gather information, network and develop your knowledge alongside leaders in your field.
Some of the fields that will be explored in depth include:
- catalysis;
- chemistry in the life sciences;
- energy, environment and sustainability;
- inorganic chemistry advances;
- materials, interfaces and devices;
- organic chemistry advances;
- physical and analytical chemistry advances
In addition, there will be an ancillary programme exploring wider topics, from Science Communication to Open Science, Education to Cultural Heritage and more. There will also be European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN) workshops and sessions for students and early careerists throughout the week.
Take a look at the full programme here!
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