EuCheMS responded to the European Commission’s public call for feedback on its Roadmap for Promoting the Automatic Mutual Recognition of Diplomas and Study Periods Abroad.
As the voice of Chemistry in Europe, representing chemical societies across Europe, and by extension, some 160,000 chemists, researchers and scientists, we strongly support the automatic mutual recognition of diplomas across Europe and are glad to see steps being taken by the European Commission in this direction. We exemplified possible ways forward by the system developed by EuCheMS and the European Chemistry Thematic Network Association (ECTN) over the last couple of years. The system seeks to have chemistry degrees recognised on a European-wide level. Eligible candidates can obtain a EurChem designation which aims to help promote mobility of chemical scientists throughout Europe, based on an agreed set of skills, competencies and training. We therefore informed the European Commission that we would be happy to present this system in order to explore all possible avenues to successfully implementing the automatic recognition of diplomas across Europe.
Our submission is available here.