EuCheMS has submitted an answer to the European Commission´s Public Consultation on antimicrobial resistance. In this answer, which is accessible online, EuCheMS calls for a two-fold solution: more awareness and more research.
This consultation aims to collect views on the EU’s Action Plan against risks arising from antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and is one part of a larger evaluation process which covers the period 2011-2015 in all 28 EU Member States and relevant third countries. The evaluation runs from August 2015 to March 2016. It aims to assess:
- Whether the key strategic actions contained in the Action Plan were the most appropriate actions to be taken to combat AMR;
- Which elements worked well or not (and why);
- Whether the objectives are still relevant to the needs of tackling AMR; and
- Whether the approach was appropriately holistic.
The evaluation also involves surveys, interviews and workshops to collect views from multiple perspectives, including policy makers at the EU and national levels, researchers, public health experts, and representatives of professional associations and other interested parties who are in a position to comment on the Action Plan and its implementation.