Meet newly elected EuChemS Executive Board members

Renáta Oriňaková, Christophe Copéret and Artur Silva were elected to the EuChemS Executive Board by the 2020 General Assembly which was held online on 24 September. Their mandate starts on 1 January 2021.

EuChemS congratulates them and warmly welcomes them.

Professor Renáta Oriňaková, DSc. is a research professor and head of the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (PF UPJŠ in Košice), Slovakia. She is currently the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Science for science, research, and development.

She was trained in chemistry and mathematics at PF UPJŠ in Košice (1992) and started her career at the Department of Physical Chemistry. She has received her PhD in Physical Chemistry from the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (1997) and the title of Professor in Physical Chemistry in 2017. In the meantime, she was awarded the Doctor of Science (DSc.) degree in Physical Chemistry from the Slovak University of Technology in 2015.

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Professor Christophe Copéret is Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zürich since November 2010.

He was trained in chemistry and chemical engineering in CPE Lyon (France) and then undertook a Ph.D. in chemistry at Purdue University (USA), where he studied the development of highly efficient synthesis of complex molecules via Pd-catalysed carbonylation reactions in the group of Prof. E.i. Negishi (1991-1996). After a postdoctoral stay at the Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, USA) in the group of Prof. K.B. Sharpless (1996-1997), where he developed oxidation reactions, Christophe Copére was offered in 1998 a permanent research position in CNRS in C2P2 a laboratory devoted the chemistry of surfaces and polymers, and was promoted CNRS Research Director in 2008.

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Professor Artur M. S. Silva is a full professor of chemistry at the University of Aveiro and President of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ) since July 2016. He served, among others, as Vice-President of the Portuguese Chemical Society (2013-2016), twice terms as Vice-president and other two as President of the Organic Chemistry Division of SPQ (among others).

He studied chemistry at the University of Aveiro (Portugal), where he graduated in chemistry physics for teaching in 1987. In 1993 he received his Ph.D. in chemistry at Aveiro University. He began his independent career at Aveiro University as an Assistant Professor in 1994. He was appointed to Associate Professor with tenure in 1998 and Full Professor in 2001.

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