Dear readers, Welcome to the February 2022 issue of the Brussels News Updates (BNU)! This EuChemS monthly newsletter is intended for chemists, policy makers, entrepreneurs and citizens in Europe and beyond who are interested in what’s happening in the world of chemistry. We aim to keep our readers up to date on the latest chemistry and science-policy related news, such as awards, consultations, and various events.
What to expect in this issue:
European Highlights - European universities taking part in the solution to Europe's major societal challenges - Circular economy: MEPs call for strengthening EU batteries regulations - Joint meeting of European Parliament committee to address the Farm to Fork strategy - New very high concern substances added to the EFSA Candidate List - Save the date: upcoming UN environment meeting on plastic, waste and chemical pollution - Regulations to make the EU better prepared to manage future health crises
What's new at EuChemS - GWB2022: the final stretch - A summary of the many EuChemS 2021 activities - EuChemS calls for setting up a global panel on chemicals, waste, and pollution at the Burlington Consensus event Consultations and Roadmaps - European Commission Public Consultations and Roadmaps - European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) public consultations - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) public consultations
Calls for Funding and Awards - Calls open for EuChemS awards, MSCA, ERC, Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, EFMC
EuChemS Events - EuChemOmetricS - 1ˢᵗ Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry e-Conference - 2ⁿᵈ European Sample Preparation e-Conference
Other Events - Workshops: Digitalisation of the energy system - Thieme WebCheminar #1: Click Chemistry - Powerful technology through tiny particles: Innovation with aqueous colloidal silica
You are invited to share this newsletter with your network as you see fit! Is there anything that you would like to read about in the next issue of the BNU? Let us know!
European universities taking part in the solution to Europe's major societal challenges Two new initiatives have recently been presented by the European Commission with the aim of increasing the contribution of universities and other higher education institutions to face Europe’s major challenges such as climate change, the digital transformation, and aging population. The Commission believes that the entire higher education sector has a unique position at the crossroads of education, research, and innovation, in shaping sustainable and resilient economies, and supporting universities on the provision of high-quality life-long learning opportunities with a focus on the most needed skills and competences to face today’s economic and societal demands. Read more about it here.
Circular economy: MEPs call for strengthening EU batteries regulations On Thursday 10 February, the members of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) adopted a report on the proposal for a regulation on batteries and waste batteries. This proposition defines a set of rules to govern the entire battery product life cycle, from design to disposal of batteries. MEPs also proposed introducing a new category of batteries: “batteries for ‘light means of transport’ (LMT)’ (e.g., batteries in e-bikes). Read our full debrief here.
Joint meeting of European Parliament committee to address the Farm to Fork strategy The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) and the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) have recently held a joint public hearing on “The impact of the Farm to Fork Strategy on agriculture and food systems.” The aim of the hearing, which was comprised of two panels, was to discuss the actual impact of the Strategy, its links to other policies and the way forward to a sustainable food system. Read the full article here.
New very high concern substances added to the EFSA Candidate List The Candidate List of substances of very high concern has been recently updated and it includes 4 new substances. One of the four substances has hormone-disrupting properties in humans and is used in the cosmetic industry. Two of the substances are used as rubbers, lubricants, and sealants, and have been added into the list because of their adverse effects on fertility. The fourth one has been described as a harmful chemical for the environment due to its persistent, bio-accumulative, and toxic effects. Read more about it here.
Save the date: upcoming UN environment meeting on plastic, waste and chemical pollution The 5th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) session will take place in Nairobi on 28 February 2022. This event will address the development of a legally binding international treaty on plastic pollution between UN countries. The objective of the treaty is to reduce the discharge of plastics into the environment by covering all stages of the plastic life cycle and by adopting a circular economy approach to plastics. Learn more about it here.
Regulations to make the EU better prepared to manage future health crises The European Parliament endorsed the content of the agreement reached with the Council of the European Union in October 2021, which goal is to make the European Medicines Agency (EMA) more effective in tackling shortages of medicines and medical devices by increasing the powers of the EU’s medicines regulator.
Two “shortages steering groups,” for medicines and medical devices respectively will be set up and will meet not only on a regular basis, but also whenever the situation requires, such as in the preparation for or during a public health emergency. The agency will also set up a public webpage with information on shortage of critical medicines and medical devices.
Discover more about it here.
GWB2022: the final stretch
The EuChemS @ #GWB2022 webinar will take place on Wednesday 16 February 2022 (10:00 am CET) and the organising team behind this event prepared a highly interactive webinar. Attendees will be invited to get actively involved in converstion with our speakers on topics related to the leaky pipeline. Furthermore, we will provide an opportunity for the attendees to network among themselves and to share their views on the necessity to have women in senior positions in STEM with our speakers.
Read more about this event and register here.
A summary of the many EuChemS 2021 activities We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Yearbook is now available for download on the EuChemS website! The 2021 Yearbook is EuChemS annual report which looks back at the activities and achievements carried out by the European Chemical Society and its Professional Networks over the year. Read more about it here.
EuChemS joins the call for setting up a global panel on chemicals, waste, and pollution On 26 January 2022, the European Chemical Society (EuChemS) supported the science and policy call for setting up a global panel on chemicals, waste, and pollution at the Burlington Consensus event, organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), and the UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra).. Read more about it here.
European Commission Public Consultations and Roadmaps A number of consultations and roadmaps put forward by the European Commission are currently open: ________________________________
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) public consultations
A number of consultations put forward by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) are currently open. We invite you to take a look at them here. ___________________________________
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) public consultations
A number of consultations put forward by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are currently open. You can take a look at it all here.
ECC8 Grants
The call for the EuChemS Chemistry Congress fellowship scheme – ECC8 Grant is now open. Applicants have until Tuesday 7 June 2022 (20:00 CEST) to submit their application.
European Young Chemists' Award (EYCA) The call for the European Young Chemists’ Award (EYCA) is currently open. You have until Thursday 30 June 2022 (20:00 CEST) to submit a nomination.
MSCA Calls _____________________________
ERC Calls
Three European Research Council (ERC) calls for funding are open: _____________________________
Horizon Europe Calls
Several Horizon Europe calls are now open. The deadline for applications submission is 30 March 2022 (17:00 CET, Brussels time).
2022 Erasmus+ European Universities Call The 2022 Erasmus+ European Universities call is now open. The deadline for applications submission is 22 March 2022. _____________________________
EFMC-YSN Mentoring Programme 2022 Call for application The Young Scientists Network of the EFMC is hosting the second edition of the EFMC-YSN Mentoring Programme. The 2022 edition of the mentoring programme will run from Spring 2022 until Spring 2023. You have until 1 March 2022 to apply. _____________________________
Sir James Murray OCN Champions Program The Sir James Murray OCN Champions Program is opened to all undergrad and grad students with experience in organic chemistry. It seeks to advocate to champion and lead projects in the SGC Open Chemical Networks (OCN) initiative.
In the current environment and status of COVID-19, some events are being postponed or cancelled. For more details on the upcoming events from the EuChemS Events Calendar, which is being updated on a regular basis, please click here.
1ˢᵗ Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry e-Conference 14 – 16 March 2022 Online Website: https://bit.ly/32XQSpN
Workshops: Digitalisation of the energy system 16 February 2022 – 3 March 2022 Online Website: https://bit.ly/338K1ug
Thieme WebCheminar #1: Click Chemistry 22 February 2022 Online Website: https://bit.ly/3Hz35Rj
Powerful technology through tiny particles: Innovation with aqueous colloidal silica 22 February 2022 Online Website: https://bit.ly/3gKYfop
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EuChemS aisbl - Rue du Trône 62, 1050, Brussels, Belgium; www.euchems.eu. Produced for EuChemS by Nineta Hrastelj, Laura Jousset, Anna Robinson and Julieta Cavaglia. This newsletter has been carefully prepared and only contains correct information to the best of EuChemS´ knowledge, however this does not exclude the possibility of existence of incorrect information. EuChemS cannot be liable for the use or misuse of any information, whether correct or incorrect, present at this newsletter. Intellectual property belongs to its rightful owners, always explicitly traceable on each article. Compilation Copyright © 2022 EuChemS