Six additional community translations of the 2021 2nd version of the EuChemS Periodic Table were approved and published online recently. With the addition of Basque, Dutch, Galician, Hungarian, Italian and Ukrainian translations, the document can be accessed in a total of 14 languages.
The EuChemS periodic table aims to emphasize element scarcity, and the importance of sustainability in resource use through unique visual means: by demonstrating the available amount of each element on a logarithmic scale, and in addition, using colour coding to show how sustainable the societal uses of them are.
As EuChemS considers this as a critical societal message, we find it important to increase the visibility and accessibility of it beyond language barriers. We rely on our community of chemists, educators, students and others to assist in getting this document to as many people as possible in their native languages. While the translations are reviewed and approved by experts from EuChemS network, the bulk of the translation work is done by contributors from various backgrounds and countries. Therefore, we would like to express our gratitude to those who contributed with these translations, as well as invite all to submit a translation in their own languages.
You can see the new translations, and learn more about the EuChemS periodic table here.