Regulation on monitoring, reporting and verification of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport was adopted and entered into force in 2015. It sets an EU wide scheme for reporting monitored and verified data on shipping CO2 emissions (EU MRV) applying to activities carried out after January 2018. At the international level, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has completed the legal framework for its global data collection system (IMO DCS) with the adoption in July 2017 of guidelines on data verification and database management. Considering these recent developments, the Commission is now reviewing the situation with a view to align the EU MRV with the IMO DCS and it will table, if appropriate, a legislative proposal to amend the EU MRV accordingly in 2018. In this context, a stakeholder consultation will ensure that all relevant parties are given the opportunity to express their opinions and to contribute to the analysis on the effectiveness and potential impacts of such alignment.
Deadline: 1 December 2017
Public Consultation on The Revision of The Policy on Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of CO2 Emissions from Maritime Transport
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