The Council conclusions of 17 June 2016 on AMR call for a reinforced EU strategy against AMR and a new and comprehensive EU Action Plan (AP) on AMR based on the One – Health approach. The current Action Plan has been subject to an evaluation, which showed that the EU can bring added value in the fight against AMR, by: 1) supporting Member States, particularly in establishing, implementing and monitoring their National Action Plans; 2) bringing together EU funds and instruments, to promote innovation and research against AMR; and 3) helping to strengthen the EU ‘s role in global fora, notably within the UN institutions and with major trade partners. The new AP should take the form of a Commission communication to the European Parliament and the Council. This action plan goes along the main propositions defended at a EuCheMS STOA workshop on AMR that took place earlier this year.
Roadmap – Commission’s Communication on a One-Health Action Plan to support Member States on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Research Challenge
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