The European Chemical Society (EuChemS) was selected to be a member of the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform. The platform assembles high profile stakeholders from various policy backgrounds, including health, agriculture, research and innovation, transport, digitalisation, and the environment. This collaboration aims to help the EU achieve its zero pollution ambition. EuChemS will focus on the contributions chemical sciences can make towards this goal. The next meeting of the platform is expected to be held on 25 April.
By participating in the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform, EuChemS expanded its science policy advisory activities further. Currently, EuChemS is participating in two policy advisory groups – the aforementioned Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform and in the High Level Roundtable on the Implementation of the Chemicals Strategy.
The latter is an advisory group, set up by the DG Environment in order to realise, implement, and monitor the goals of the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability, and contribute to the green transition. To assist in doing so, EuChemS has set up an internal group of experts, and created and maintains a dedicated webpage on their website to promote the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and keep stakeholders and wider public up to date.
EuChems have made the information on its policy activities more accessible by creating a user-friendly webpage, where all its advisory initiatives can be found.